
I Am Dilated 1cm,how Long Before I Go Into Labor?


2 Answers

Kimberly Billings Profile
You have to be dilated to a 10 in order to be in labor.
Right now, you are in the early stages of labor(which you will  be in until you are dilated 4 cm)
When you're contractions start getting more intense, and perhaps a bit closer together, you should head to the hospital.
But there is no certain time span in order to the 'before I go into labor' if this is you're first baby, you may be in labor for about 10 hours, but it should not be more than that.
But, like I said, you are technically already in labor, just not enough to deliver.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Depends on how far along you are I went into labor at 28 weeks and dilated to 1 cm they put me on meds to stop labor and my water broke at 36.3 weeks and I was still 1 cm I was in full labor for 18 and half hours before had my son. So it all depends has baby dropped are you having contractions and if so are they regular like lasting more than 45 seconds and every 5-6 mins or are they sporadic every 10 min than 5 mins then 10 mins again it all really depends on what else is going on.

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