
Does Heroin Make You Feel Good? Why?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The first few weeks my boyfriend shot me full of heroin I felt great
but after I got addicted it was a curse you have to have it just to feel normal it makes you feel like time has stopped it also made me a whore
so don't start unless you want to sell your body for your next fix

ps after I got addicted he dropped me

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Heroin does have an amazing feeling, it releases dopamine into your brain, which intensifies the euphoric feeling. Unfortunately it is extremely addicting as you know, and is absolutely terrible for your body. I have to disagree with one of the answers above me though, I was once addicted to Heroin, but as long as you have the right support system and YOU really want to get clean, you can. But no one can help you if you don't want to help yourself.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It make you have energy as I have been told.
You feel lit.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Heroin does the exact opposite, it sedates you and you basically can't move or respond to anything for a few hours, are you thinking of cocaine?
Anonymous commented
That's not true at all, all you can do it knod out when you do dope, until your tolerance is built upp, it's more like a head rush that lasts 4-6 hours.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Heroin can make you feel amazing it will give you the happiest feeling that you have ever known, but it is all fake the come down from heroin I've heard is horrible and heroin addicts will often times never be happy again due to the drug :-\
thanked the writer.
Ira Gnesin
Ira Gnesin commented
You're all little kids. Heroin does not give you energy, it does not make you happy its a constant curse, that cant be broken swayed or moved. Once its got you, trust me girls, its got you. This is coming from a seven year heroin addict. Actually im smacked right now

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