
Why Do My Legs Hurt During My Period?


5 Answers

Aidan McCartney Profile
Aidan McCartney answered
It is not uncommon for a woman to feel pain in her legs during her menstrual cycle. One of the most common causes of this is a chemical substance in the female called 'Prostaglandins'. This chemical is the basis from which the uterine muscles, through contraction and relaxation cause cramping and discomfort in the legs; powerful uterus contractions compress and cut off the delivery of blood to the muscle tissues which can then manifest as tenderness, aching and painful cramps.

There are a myriad of things that can be done in order to alleviate these symptoms furing your period. Primarily, exercise such as swimming, cycling or yoga (or any of the other activities and sports that you see in the sanitary towel adverts). A change of diet may bring relief, reducing the amount of caffeine consumed. Remember, caffeine is prevalent in a number of soft drinks too. Both ginger root and pineapple juice are also thought to be effective remedies, while a balanced diet filled with fruit, fibre, vegetables, fish and poultry may also help. One suggestion is that a hot water bottle or warm compress on the affected area can bring significant relief. A number of other remedies can be viewed at
Menstrual cramps are extremely common in females and generally are not something to be concerned about, however in some case it may be a symptom of a more serious condition, so if there are any fears or anxieties or the pain becomes excessive and unbearable then it would be advisable to make an appointment with a medical professional.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Who ever told this girl that she has a disease is an idiot. Why create unnessecary panic? You haven't looked at her medical history and you don't know what other symptoms if any she's having, so please don't diagnose and worry people for no reason.

Now on to your question. The reason a lot of women experience cramps in their legs (myself included) is due to a chemical in our bodies known as prostaglandins. This chemical causes the uterine muscles to contract & cause intense pain in the lower abdomen and can sometimes lead to leg cramps. This is the usual reason for leg cramps during your period. If you have severe leg cramps and you are concerned I suggest going to your doctor, but don't worry yourself before you actually know what's wrong.

Hope this helps
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Growing up, during my period, I never got cramps in my stomach, it was always a sharp pain running thru my right leg. None of my friends ever felt this pain during their period so I thought maybe I'm different, but why?? So recently I went to the doctors, and she told me that I have an "upside-down uterus". She told me this is why I get leg pains during my period.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am sorry that I don't know the answer to this.  It happens to me too.  Also, very heavy feeling legs.  I have found that drinking lots of water and very hot baths relieve symptoms.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have a disease called Hydepedarotis Pl., and you need to see a doctor immediatly.

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