
How Do You Pass Gallstones And From What Body Part?


12 Answers

Elizabeth Leake Profile
Elizabeth Leake answered
Gallstones are normally passed naturally through the digestive system, often without even being noticed. They pass easily through the intestines, and are passed in the stools, though they are not usually large enough to be seen easily.

Gallstones form when there is too much of an accumulation of bile particles or cholesterol in the gallbladder. They can grow over time as bile passes from the liver into the gallbladder.

Individuals who have gallstones are often concerned about the possibility of blockages. However, the majority of gallstones that most people get are very small, and are eventually passed without any intervention being required.

There is a possibility that large gallstones can cause blockages in the bile duct that leads to the intestines. When this happens, surgery is necessary to remove the gallstone, as well as the gallbladder itself.

People who are having trouble passing gallstones will usually have certain symptoms. These include abdominal pain, vomiting and problems with loose stools.

Sometimes individuals who need to pass gallstones can take medications to dissolve them, allowing them to be more easily passed. This is used for patients who can't safely undergo surgery or who choose not to have surgery performed.

There are also some natural remedies that are believed to help people pass gallstones more easily. These include lemonade and olive oil mixtures, as well as herbal liver and gallbladder flush products.

Anyone who is considering using any type of remedy for gallstones should consult a doctor for advice. Any advice obtained online should not be treated as medical advice.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To the person who said you can pee them out well your wrong.  Your thinking kidney stones.  I know about this because I work for a gastroentrologist office and they deal with this sort of thing.  I too have gallstones and see a surgeon in 5 days to schedule surgery to take my gallbladder out.  That's the only permanent treatment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had mine removed 9 years ago and I am 29 it was awful pain barrifing went on  for 6 months the stones are very tiny and can cause lots of pain  mine almost killed me with infection I spent 3 weeks in the hos.  my surgeon said its best to take it out because they will come back if you don't I had over 50 my dr gave them to me  they can do a sonogram of your gallbladder to check  but its important to see a dr soon because if you wait it only gets worse good luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can pass them naturally in your stool.  That's what I did with a simple gallstones home remedy I made from common grocery store items.  I found it here:

I am now gallstone free and have avoided gallbladder surgery.  Please let me know how it goes if you decide to try this remedy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Most of the people commenting on this site have no idea what they are talking about. I would not take any advice from anyone here. If you want real advice, go to a medical site.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Gallstones form in the gallbladder (located under and attached to the liver) they pass into the hepatic duct and can pass through if there small enough. If there to large they'll block the duct and you'll need to have them removed. It's done by a procedure  called an E.R.C.P.
Mary sanchez Profile
Mary sanchez answered
Hello sand.    I had my gall bladder removes 9 years ago and I have learned a lot and have changes a lot also.
Every time I ate food would get stuck right between my ribs between my boobs and I could not figure it our so I went to the doctor and they said I needed emergency surgery to remove it I had 9 stones and you could not tell I had one
thanked the writer.
Mary sanchez
Mary sanchez commented
I passed a couple of the stones and they passed along with my bawl movement and this may sound gross but it looked like a big piece of rice.
Shirley McLean Profile
Shirley McLean answered
Gallstones come from the gallbladder.  They are calcified "stones", that can be small or large.  They can be removed surgically, usually along with the gall bladder, or blasted by a procedure called lithotrypsy, and then passed without much incident.  I've seen jewelry made by "tumbled" gall stones, and although it's kinda gross, if you know what they are....if you don't, they look like pearls.
Dan Mitroi Profile
Dan Mitroi answered

Gallbladder Stones vs. Kidney Stones

The gallbladder is an organ that stores bile, and gallstones can affect either the bile ducts or the gallbladder. It is believed that gallstones are caused by a hardening or buildup of liquids stored in the gallbladder and the liver.

Kidney stones, also known as renal or urinary caculi, are solid and very small particles that can form in either one or both kidneys. In some cases, these stones can travel to the ureter, or the tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

ray of light Profile
ray of light answered
Gall bladder is very important part of our body as it stores the bile which is used to digest fats. The stones in gall bladder can block bile and can cause jaundice, pain and many problems. There is no treatment with medicine or surgery to remove stones. Whole gall bladder is removed. Now the lithotrepsy is being used to break these stones in very small pieces which are passed in to intestine with bile.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Occasionally, if the gall bladder is inflamed, it may adhere to bowel & a relatively large stone may ulcerate through into the intestine and subsequently be passed with a stool.
Incidentally, the process of fragmenting stones by focussed beams of high frequency sound is lithotripsy (not lithotrepsy).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Can gallstones cause pain two inches above the belly button, just left of the mid-line of the body?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You pass gallstones either by urinating them out or by doing the #2 and they come out.  Most of the time people urinate them out, but it is painful for some.  The amount of pain you feel depends on the size, shape, and the natural ease of the gallstone releasing itself from your body.  Mainly people get severe cramping in their stomach/intestinal area, until they pass out of them.  Gallstones normally are found in the kidneys, although, I do know that you can get them in your liver too.  Having gallstones in your liver is more of a life-threatening medical condition though, and trust me, you would definitely have some severe health complication warning signs and symptoms happening if that were the case.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Those are two different things J. The body sometimes produces:
B) kidneystones

They body will get rid of kidney stones through urine. They are extremely painful and can get lodged in the urinary tract and cause numerous other issues.
Gallstones are typically not painful. They are released through the gallbladder into the small intestine. If they get lodged in the bile duct they can be painful as well.

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