I'm 9 Weeks Pregnant With No Symptoms. Is This Normal? I'm A Little Worried..


34 Answers

James Milford Profile
James Milford answered
Congratulations! You're pregnant. As soon as you start telling people, out comes the advice … as well as the horror stories about all the symptoms you should be suffering. Every pregnancy is different, though, and you might not be feeling a thing. That's perfectly OK.

Two of the most common symptoms in early pregnancy are fatigue and nausea. Fatigue you can only fight for so long before your body forces you to rest. Fortunately, this period will pass soon. Later in pregnancy, you even will find renewed reserves of energy, especially during the "nesting” stage. For now, get the rest you need as your schedule allows. Keep in mind that the schedule you set during pregnancy is the one your baby will be inclined to follow after birth, so if you don't want to be up with a baby watching talk shows at 02:00, don't stay up and watch them now.

Nausea in pregnancy often is referred to as "morning sickness,” but it can strike any time of day, and sometimes all day. Eat mild food as often as you feel like it. Your doctor might suggest a nutritional supplement as well.

Some women don't suffer from either of these symptoms and yet have perfectly healthy pregnancies. Other "non-symptoms” include weight gain and cessation of menstrual periods. While some women seem to "show” almost as soon as they find out they're pregnant, others skate by with nary a sign into their third trimester. As long as your doctor says you and the baby are healthy and getting enough nutrition, don't worry about it.

Similarly, while for many women the first sign they are pregnant is a missed period, for others that's not the case. How do you think women get to be four and five months pregnant without knowing? In some cases, menstrual periods have continued until about 18 weeks of pregnancy … and the babies turned out just fine.

If you are concerned over your health at any point, talk to your midwife or doctor. It is better to feel silly than to make yourself sick with worry.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 8 weeks pregnant and have no symptoms really, except for going to the bathroom a lot and feeling tired and a bit nauseous at times... I'm a bit worried, but reading all of these posts makes me feel like this isn't so abnormal.
kelly maskell Profile
kelly maskell answered
I am also 9 weeks. The only symptoms I get are the odd period type cramps at random times of day, but usually at night. Occasionally I feel a little sick for a few minutes but it soon passes. I sometimes worry that something may be wrong but to the most part I am thankful I am not throwing up continuously! I am ridiculously tired and constantly need to pee. I am sure that if you really think about it you have experienced or are suffering some symptoms but because you are not physically being sick you think it's not right! You will be fine. Get yourself a fetal doppler from ebay so that you can listen to your own baby's heartbeat and I am sure that will put your mind at rest!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm nine weeks pregnant also and have no symptoms I think the only thing is different are my breast and I can't stay up pass 1030pm or eleven...But no morning sickness no nothing for me I have been to the doctor they said everything was fine and also had 2 ultra sounds
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 9weeks pregnant with no symptoms. My doctor said the only symptom of pregnancy guaranteed is no period! Every1 is different so don't be worried!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am the same way but I have had 2 you/s and they were normal. I think the key is not to focus on thinking you don't have symptoms rather just listening to your body. I felt that because I had no tenderness or tiredness or mood swings or nausea (publicised pregnancy symptoms) there was something wrong but then I realised my heart was racing all the time (that's a symptom!) and that I was thirsty all the time so I just decided that I do have symptoms and I am pregnant. Just not like everyone else!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
25% of woman don't get morning sickness. I'm the same way. Nine weeks with no symptoms. I will feel more assured after my 1st ultrasound but until then I will try not to worry because it is still normal to feel normal.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am nine weeks to the day and haven't experienced many symptoms at all. The only obvious signs I've had are two missed periods and seven (yes, seven!) positive pregnancy tests. I am a teacher and noticed fatigue when I was working, but not that it's summer that symptom has faded dramatically. I go in for my first prenatal visit next week! Praying all goes well! God's blessings on all of you as well! :)
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Many different things happen to women when they're pregnant. Some women never even know they are pregnant at all until their stomach starts hurting, and they have to go to the emergency room.
There is when they find out that they're pregnant. If I were you, I would be counting my blessings and be thankful that you aren't suffering the dreaded morning sickness. I trust you have seen a doctor about this?
Next time you go in, ask him/her about this if it's really concerning for you. I wish you all the luck in the world, it's great to be a mom. Hope this helps.
Victoria Mora Profile
Victoria Mora answered
I am 19 weeks pregnant and I recently just started feeling movement. But like everyone else is saying every women is different and our bodies are made differently. For example when my mom was pregnant she did not feel any morning sickness or anything and she had five kids. My older sister experienced the same thing no sickness, no nausea, no swelling nothing. But me the first 3 months were hell. I lost a lot of weight and could not keep anything down. I did not feel pregnant at all I just felt sick like when you get off a roller coaster. But soon you will start noticing more and more things. I hope this helped.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I was thinking the same thing when I was pregnant with my 3rd child I had no morning sickness no tender breasts nothing I was worried so I went 2 see my doctor and he told me every pregnancy was different and not 2 worry.  A few weeks later I went for my scan every think was fine then a few days later I the pregnancy kicked in I started getting morning sickness tender breast tired all the time so don't worry
Angel Mora Jr Profile
Angel Mora Jr answered
Every women is different. Some have morning sickness, some don't. Your sign of pregnancy, to me, is your rapid mood swings. My wife is 4 1/2 months pregnant and she is still having morning sickness. Most women finish their morning sickness around 3 months. Along with that, she has lost a total of 17 pounds ever since she became pregnant. We asked her doctor and we found out that she was perfectly healthy and so was the baby. We also found out that some women lose weight during pregnancy before actually gaining. Just check with your doctor and get the assurance that you need. That would probably be the best thing you could do right now. Good Luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Scary isn't it, I am 9 weeks and have no symptoms. With my first I was sick from 5 weeks to 5 months and felt real different. This time nothing? It's great, but worrying, so now I am off to the doctors to get an ultrasound to make sure. I suggest you do the same. Good luck!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know it is easier said than done but try not to worry, I had really bad sickness all day and night in all my pregnancy's from very early on until I was about 16 weeks or so, but this time around it is very different I am nearly 9 weeks with no symptoms apart from the sore/tender breasts and the extra trips to the loo in the night! Apart from that no tiredness or any sickness whatsoever. All the best to you : )
emma danish Profile
emma danish answered
Don't worry you will soon feel pregnant as your stomach starts to swell it is perfectly normal to not experience everything books tell you to expect you are lucky because morning sickness is dreadfull I had it for the whole nine months with all five pregnancies just enjoy everything because it goes so fast
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 9 weeks tomorrow and soooo  worried! I'm not showing in the slightest...its not even hard my tummy??? I keep gagging type thing and get up in the middle of the night busting for the toilet.no actually feeling of sickness or being sick.breast r a bit sore if I slap them a bit type thing lol but nothing like last time (which I miscarried very early about 5weeks)I just hope I don't miscarry from now up untill my scan in 3 weeks...kind of dreading it tho incase nothing is there or its not all right! Its all just a waiting game and I hate it !
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 10 weeks pregnant.I am in the same situation.I had some dizziness at begginnig now I donnot have any.I had tender breast, constipation,urination frequently and hate m of my favorate foods.but now I have constipation,urination and hate some food.I though I was only one now I feel I am not.some times I not feel so.my ulatrasound at 8 weeks 6 dasy was superb with a strong heart beat.wish you good luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 35 and pregnant for the 5th time. The 1st 3 where normal pregnancies with little morning sickness. The 4th pregnancy I had no symptoms and miscarried at 12 weeks. This pregnancy I have no symptoms, I am 9 weeks. I have had 3 vaginal ultra sounds with this pregnancy. A heartbeat was saw at 6wks and again at 7wks 5days. It is scary if you've had a miscarriage in the past. The worrying can drive a women insane. But there is hope.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 9 weeks pregnant and on here for an answer because I told feel overly prego. I had some sick feelings at night when I wouldnt eat, but no morning sickness.
After reading these I feel good because I don't make 8:30 without dozing off and my breast are larger, I'm moody (with my hubby) ha ha and a bit gassy, so I'm going to say those are signs and just be thankful I'm not hugging the toilet bowl like some of my friends!
I had an ultra sound at 7 weeks 6 days and had a good strong heart beat. So far so good. :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When I was pregnant with my second child hes a year old now I didnt have symptoms till I was at least 5 months pregnant now I'm 9 weeks with my 3rd pregnancy and the only noticeable symptoms are frequent trips to the bathroom and not being able to brush my teeth without throwing up
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I feel exactly the same as you. I'm 9 weeks pregnant with no symptoms at all - I was even wondering if I was pregnant and if I should do another test (I have done 2 which are positive though)!!!  I keep losing weight but seem to be eating more than I did before - I have also started eating chocolate which I never did.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am glad I found this site. I have been silently freaking out since all I am is touted at like eight thirty.it helped to hear about others with similar symptoms to mine like gagging while brushing.  I have an appointment in a week so I will try to chill out till then.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous , just incase others read this post., answered

Everyone is different when pregnant some have symptoms when other may not. This is normal!      

Here's bit of information: if you get an ultrasound done between 5 & 8 weeks due date will be more accurate then at later on in pregnancy.  

Most doctors won't tell you this, die to some insurance companies will only cover so many ultrasound. My I can have as many as I what they will cover it.    

Good luck to any one who's pregnant & congratulations!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Think yourself lucky, it is hell right now for me! 9 weeks, tired, headache, all day sickness....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its normal to feel that way every pregnancy is different. Your symptoms will kick in soon
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm had nothing with my first. I'm 9 wks now and I hate the way everything smells taste. Be happy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 9 weeks pregnant and I've not really experienced morning sickness. Don't be worried. God made our bodies amazing and they're all different. A doctor will also tell you not to worry.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am also 8 weeks pregnant with no symptoms except using restroom at night. Tummy a little bloated.did ultrasound everything looks good.good luck to everyone
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 9 weeks too and only symptom I have is bloating and bad wind its weird I'm hoping everything is ok too but I'm also a little relieved my first pregnancy was with twins and all I did was throw up all day.
Sarah Johnson Profile
Sarah Johnson answered
Lucky girl!! My sister in law was the same. Had dream pregnancies. No heartburn or morning sickness issues at all. I was never so lucky, so I'm feeling mildly jealous now. Lol. Really though, don't worry about it, every woman is different. Btw, Congratulations!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I'm 9 wks 2 days only symptoms are gas useing the bathroom more and can't brush my teeth without vomiting so it takes me an hour to brush my teeth I'm about to be 23 in feb 22 2010 on my 3rd preg and don't know what to do how can I brush my teeth without throwing up its driving me batty thanks rebecca r
Elena Mindel Profile
Elena Mindel answered
I am 9 weeks pregnant and for the past week I haven't been feeling as bloated as before. I haven't had any morning sickness so far (pheww!) but  my current symptoms are extreme fatigue, certain foods/smells turn me right off (can't even have a real dinner at times), at times I'm extrememly hungry and at times I have no appetite at all. I have my first prenatal doctor's visit in a few days and looking forward to it. Thank you all for your stories it really puts me at ease and makes me feel normal.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 8w 5d and soo nearvous because its like I woke up and all my symptoms were gone I'll feel a little cramping here and there but nothing like how it was in the past few weeks. I recently had a miscarriage in Feb. And now I'm really nearvous any little thing I'm calling the doctor I heard my babys heartbeat at 6 weeks and have another appt. This Tues. So hopefully everyhting goes good. Good luck to all you ladies and God bless.

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