Is It Normal To Start A Period 2 Weeks Early?


10 Answers

Thomas Rooney Profile
Thomas Rooney answered
As with all medical issues, the immediate advice is to see a doctor, perhaps in this case a gynaecologist, right away. Diagnosis on the internet, telephone or indeed any medium other than a physical examination is difficult and unreliable, and often downright dangerous, especially when talking about something as complex and important as your reproductive system.

With that said, it is not entirely uncommon to start a period two weeks early. There have been cases where a person will have their menstrual cycle every two weeks like clockwork instead of every month, and many women will get their period early occasionally. There can be any number of reasons, birth control, smoking, substance abuse, sexual activity, pregnancy etc.

One more serious cause which should certainly be checked by your doctor or gynaecologist is ovarian cysts. These have been known to cause a number of menstrual problems, and many personal reports claim that ovarian cysts are linked to their irregular cycles. These can lead to more serious problems, and are best caught early.

If you are sexually active, and have taken the morning after pill, it has been known to have unusual effects on your menstrual cycle. Factors such as this are worth considering before you begin to panic, but regardless of the circumstance, you should still visit a medical professional. It is likely your period will return to normal in time, but never pass up getting problems check out just because of worry.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi! I hope this helps...I experienced this same problem. This could be a number of things but it sounds like for the most of you it is happening shortly after sex. Sometimes when you have sex in a position your not used to or have intercourse a little "rougher" then usual then it can cause your body to go through "trauma" and force your body to start its cycle sooner then normal. Anyway, if it doesn't regulate after a couple months or your cramps get worse then normal then I would see a doctor. Otherwise just wait it out. Hope this helps.
Your body is changing. You could be pregnant. That has happen to me me 3 times before I found out that I was pregnant. I would go get check out to be on the safe side.
melissa mahadas Profile
melissa mahadas answered
It could be that your cycle is changing.
ray of light Profile
ray of light answered
I think you should need not to worry because under normal conditions pregnancy immediately after the periods is rare. The spotting after sex can be due to any reason like stress or shock. I advise you to wait for next period and then take pregnancy test. If test is negative and problem persist, then visit a doctor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi, I'm 18 and weigh about 130kgs, I usually have my period on the last week of each month and its usually all the time, my last period was end of june and then when it stopped I had unprotected sex for those two weeks on and off and then got my period two weeks early.. I done a pregnancy test which came back negative but do I wait and see if I get my period the same time as my usual one or the same time as the early one? Please HELP! :s
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had unprotected sex a week after my pd but he pulled out, nd then I got my pd a week later again, nd it was like a normal pd. Nd now I was supposed to get my period on the 11th of feb. Nd it still didnt come today nd I have never been irregular it always comes on the exact day its supposed to and usually the exact time too! I took 2 pregnancy tests nd they both came out negative. Nd I kno its probably too early to tell but any advice will help!! Thanks
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I have had unprotected sex about a week ago on and around my ovulation date. And my boyfriend came inside me. I been having menstrual cramps like my period is going to come on for a week. But my period isn't due for another two weeks. Haven't really been having any symptoms. I been really tired but cant sleep. No sore or tender breast. Not really any hungrier then normal. Have been urinating more but thats because i have been drinking alot of water. Cause i feel dehydrated and thirsty alot lately. Can someone please explain this am I pregnant or not?

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm having the same problem... I started my period at the end of january. After my period mead my boyfriend have had unprotected sex, but today I started bleeding! I just got off my period two weeks ago! A I pregnant???
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi everyone I'm 18 years old n I just had a still born april 21 2010 n right after I received a period in may then 2 weeks prior I received another on june 24 now its july and already on another period and it hasn't even been 28 days or even close my boyfriend and I have been having unprotected sex too could I b pregnant again ?please help me!

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