
Can A Doctor Refuse To See A Sick Child/patient?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you live in the Uk, then the doctor DEFINETLY cannot refuse to see a sick patient, especially a child. It is their job, and their duty to see that your child is in no serious danger and to help with any health problems he/she may have. If your own doctor is refusing to help, just go to the nearest hospital or health center and ask to see a doctor. It doesn't matter if it's your doc or not, they can still help.   I hope this helps, Good Luck!
samual answers Profile
samual answers answered
So long as it's not a life threatening issue, doctors can refuse to see patients. It goes against their hypocritical oath. I'll bet a weeks pay it wasn't the doctor who refused you, it was the clinic or hospital. I'll bet your doctor isn't even aware you were turned away. We use dartmouth hitchcock around here and they're the most incompetent administration ever. They tried to drop me as a patient  once because I didn't call them to cancel an appointment and after I got done climbing up one side and down the other, they were sorry they ever messed with me. Unfortunately, as I said, if its not life threatening, they do not and are not legally obligated to see you. Now the doctor took an oath that he would help the sick no matter how poor (not to say you're poor) a patient is. The doctor could be in serious trouble for refusing you because of that oath but the administration is not bound by that oath and they are the greedy little bastards not the doctor. Call your doctor and speak with him/her directly and let him/her know the bull they are giving you. Unfortunately he works for them and his hands are tied to some degree.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Hey i wanted to know, when you say climbing up one side and down the other, what did you mean? What actions have you taken with the clinic in order for them to apologize? Because i am having the same problem right now all because i canceled an appointment.
samual answers
samual answers commented
I wrote my primary care physician a letter letting him know what the people he was working for were doing to his patients and advised him that noone will dictate to me under any circumstance. I also went down and had it out in a closed door meeting with the office administrator and advised them that they cannot charge me for missing an appointement as we have no contract stating that. I'm not a very nice person when you piss me off. I don't sit there and take it. I attack. Go for the jugulars.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
After I wrote above and seeing that doc for 10 yrs..quit seeing her and just got a new doc. About the above complaint I had I even spoke to her and she got indignant about the situation..funny thing is after I quit her and got my medical records..I read her writing and about that situation she said I was being beligerant and difficult. Even tho other patients complained too she refused to listen to the complaints. Crazy thing is I had gastricbypass last july with that doc's approval and saw her in sept...then the next 4 months she cancelled appts on me..she hadn't even realized I hadn't had a physical in 4 yrs!!!! She asked my daughter a week ago if I ever had my is that crazy or what?? Especially since I had seen her since my surgery! She doesn't even realize I quit going to her! My new doc is stumped at all the stuff and testing she never did, Now going to take my daughter and son to my new doc who is great, and have my friends even going to him also.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
You need to consult a lawyer about this, or you can make a report to the AMA in your area to make a complaint, they will look into it. If indeed you are in the right, like I think you are, then they will deal with it. Hope this helps.
thanked the writer.
angela schalz
angela schalz commented
Guest...I am having the same problem here in Michigan. They turned me away, my neck was badly swollen up with a lump the size of a golf ball under my chin. They said my insurance didn't pay a bill. That unless I paid the $150 could not be seen. Turns out they messed up and filed the bill to the wrong company. My balance is $6 and they still turn away. My daughter went today and they tried it with her too. My docs office has a 1 rating being the worst service, so guss I will be looking for a new doc.
Jacquelyn Mathis
Jacquelyn Mathis commented
You should look for a lawyer, really, especially if you were in serious need of medical attention, and you suffered something long term, or even short term medically from this refusal.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am having the same problem the doctor refused to see my 2 year old because of a missed appt. She freakin 2 how is it her fault that mommy didnt get her to the doctor. And the only reason I didnt get her to the doctor was because my car wouldnt start. I called and told them that. They still charged us and refused to see my daughter. I mean come on really do they need the money that bad

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