
What Pill Can Kill An Unborn Baby?


3 Answers

Rebecca Hunt Profile
Rebecca Hunt answered
The morning after pill, or Plan B, is a pill that could kill an unborn baby. This pill is meant to be used up to 72 hours after unprotected sex when one thinks there is a chance of pregnancy. The pill releases more hormone than your typical birth control pill in order to stop ovulation and ends any chance of getting pregnant from that unprotected intercourse.

When you know you are pregnant and the baby is developing there are still pills that can harm your baby. These pills may not kill the baby, but they could definitely hurt the baby in a few different ways. There can be birth defects, development problems during pregnancy, future developmental issues, both physical and mental, and in some severe cases a stillborn birth can occur. It will depend on the pills used.

Even drugs like heroin may not kill a baby, but it will cause issues with the baby's health when born. Certain drugs can cause premature birth to occur. Should the baby be too young to be born, it could lead to death.

Aspirin, a medication for headaches, can potentially lead to damage in a foetus. This does not mean death will occur, though in strong enough doses it could lead to that. Aspirin is a blood thinner, meaning if the mother has problems with the pregnancy then aspirin could certainly create an issue of thinning blood and cause an early birth, miscarriage or other issue.

It is best to seek a doctor if you believe you have been given medication in error that you feel may have harmed your unborn baby. It is also best to speak with your doctor before taking any pills to ensure you are not taking something that could harm your baby such as an herbal pill like yarrow that has been known to cause miscarriage.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Any anti-biotic pill can destroy pregnancy and any pill for menstruation can destroy baby. Pls be care
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

have destory unborn baby

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