What Does A Blood Alcohol (ethanol) Level Of 24 Mg/dl Mean?


10 Answers

Lia Louis Profile
Lia Louis answered
Blood alcohol is determined as how much alcohol is in the blood system. It is calculated using milligrams (mg) over deciliters (dL).  A reading of 24 mg/dL means that for every deciliter of blood, there is 24 milligrams of alcohol. This equals a 0.024 BAC or blood alcohol content reading.

Many states in the United States would definite a person with a blood alcohol content over 0.08 as legally intoxicated. As another way of determining how BAC levels look, 0.40 would most likely result in unconsciousness and potentially death. A 0.024, depending upon the weight of the person, would likely be what a person would test at after having one, maybe two drinks.

There are several ways in which a person can test their BAC levels. There is an actual blood test, or the use of a breathalyzer, which is the most commonly used method. Breathalyzers require a person to take a straw and blow into a machine, where it then records what the BAC is.

There are many bars and clubs that will actually offer breathalyzer tests to their patrons before they leave for the night to avoid a potential DUI. There are also home breathalyzer kits that you can buy from local drugstores that will allow you to test your BAC no matter where you are.

If you are pulled over for a potential DUI and were to test at 24 mg/Dl, you would be seen as intoxicated, but it wouldn’t be enough to get you charged with a DUI. The BAC will vary depending upon a person’s body weight and their metabolic rates. It’s important to test your BAC after drinking so that you are aware of your levels to prevent problems on the road and potentially an accident.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Scale of effects. In the average social drinker (defined as someone who drinks no more than 2 standard drinks per day), there is a rough correlation between blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and how the person acts.

Blood alcohol concentration. BAC commonly is expressed in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Using this measure, 100 mg/dL roughly is equal to 1 part alcohol in 1000 parts of water (or blood). Consequently, 100 mg/dL would be equal to a 0.1% concentration. In most states, 100 mg/dL represents the threshold concentration above which a person is legally drunk when operating a motor vehicle.

To find out more about BAC and how it affects you, go to the Blood Alcohol Educator Web site of the Century Council and the University of Illinois for some startling interactive activities.

The following scale details the expected effects of alcohol at various BACs. There is a tremendous variation from person to person, and not all people exhibit all the effects. This scale would apply to a typical social drinker:

50 mg/dL: Loss of emotional restraint, vivaciousness, feeling of warmth, flushing of skin, mild impairment of judgment

100 mg/dL: Slight slurring of speech, loss of control of fine motor movements (such as writing), confusion when faced with tasks requiring thinking, emotionally unstable, inappropriate laughter

200 mg/dL: Very slurred speech, staggering gait, double vision, lethargic but able to be aroused by voice, difficulty sitting upright in a chair, memory loss

300 mg/dL: Stuporous, able to be aroused only briefly by strong physical stimulus (such as a face slap or deep pinch), deep snoring

400 mg/dL: Comatose, not able to be aroused, incontinent (wets self), low blood pressure, irregular breathing

500 mg/dL: Death possible, either from cessation of breathing, excessively low blood pressure, or vomit entering the lungs without the presence of the protective reflex to cough it out
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means 24 milligrams of ethanol per deciliter of blood.  (A deciliter is 1/10th of a liter).    It is the equivalent of a .024 BAC - below the legal limit in USA and probably you would describe this person as maybe slightly "buzzed" or feeling some pleasant feelings, but still legally able to drive a car.

Usually we see in the US these levels of intoxication measured  as Blood Alcohol content (BAC) in grams per milliliter) - as in:  0.01% to 0.05% - Mild sense of elation, relaxation, and pleasure, probably a decrease in judgment and inhibitions.

The other levels are:
0.06 to 0.10 - Reduced ability to make
rational decisions or exercise good judgment.
0.10 to 0.15 - Slurred speech,
impairment of balance and movement.
0.16 to 0.29 - Severe motor and sensory
impairment, reduced awareness of external stimulation.
0.30 to 0.39 - Non-responsive stupor, loss of consciousness, possible death  
0.40 & over  - Unconsciousness, cessation of breathing, death

most states in the US define a person with a BAC of 0.08 to 0.10 as legally intoxicated.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A deceased person, having been struck by a motor vehicle, is determined to have a bac of .227. Could the traumatic impact of the accident elevated his bac? Thanks.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My friend had a blood alcohol level of 266h and was involved in an accident yesterday.  ?what does that mean?
Mukhtar Ahmed Shaikh Profile

500 mg/dL of BAC will be how much in mg/100cc of blood?

Kimberly Denler Profile
Kimberly Denler answered
If you have a blood toxicology done and your serum level is 90 what does that translate to the alchol level
Mitzi Tate Profile
Mitzi Tate answered
If blood alcohol reading is <3.00 on a scale of 0.00 to 10.00 mg/dl has the person consumed any alcohol?

Answer Question
