What could one eat to get rid of benzoylecgonine? I am not in the US, and it's next to impossible to get one of those detox kits here. Besides cranberry juice and lots of water, what else should i take, vitamin/mineral/food, etc?


1 Answers

Loni Lenard Profile
Loni Lenard answered
Its out of metabolic system fast, approx detection time in urine is 5-7 days, standard us urine test, if you have incoming drug test , check the drug tests standards for the country you are.

Stuff to do... Exercise will help you to speed up your metabolism plus allots go out with the sweat, sauna also. You can take b12, helps for metabolic process and helps for creatinine. High fiber foods, fiber absorb allot of the drug metabolites.Check at the pharmacy places for home test kit, if they drug test ,they should have rapid tests also, make sure test detect this metabolite.

If you don't have a time .. Call for consultation on this #1 252 4894754 (web for urine tests is  www.urinetestsolutions.com/ ) I used their hair program ,was formula for passing that you can make with stuff from your local grocery store and real person (on the phone) to help you step by step, so they may help you.

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