Can smoking effect diverticulitus?


1 Answers

Nicole Manion Profile
Nicole Manion answered
Diverticulitus is a painful condition that occurs when pouches form in the wall of the colon. These pouches can become inflamed or infected causing a very painful condition. Smoking will not have much of an effect on this condition unless the person with the disease is an extremely heavy smoker which may serve to irritate the condition even more.

  • What causes diverticulitus?
Doctors are still not completely certain what causes it, but the consensus these days is that it can be caused by a diet low in fiber. It occurs when there is not enough fiber to add bulk to a stool causing the colon to have to work harder than normal to push the stool out. The pressure from this process can cause pouches to form in the weaker spots along the walls of the colon.

  • Symptoms
The symptoms of diverticulitis include stomach pains, fever and chills, nausea, constipation and/or diarrhea, and not having the will to eat as you normally would. It can be diagnosed by a blood test or an X-ray or CT scan. The treatment for this disease will depend mostly on the severity of the symptoms. 

It may be necessary to go on a liquid diet for awhile and only return to solid food when you are feeling better. For mild pain, you can use a heating pad on your belly and it's also very important to relax and avoid stress. Some over the counter medication has also proven effective. Tylenol has been shown to be effective in treating the condition.

As with most illnesses, the best treatment is pro-active. Drink plenty of water to help flush out your system and eat a diet high in fiber. Eat more whole grains and fresh fruits and you can avoid getting this painful condition and live a healthier and happy life. It's always best to visit a doctor if you feel you have the symptoms listed here.

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