
What Chance Does My Baby Have Of Having Red Hair If I Have Brown And The Dad Has Red?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I can tell you from my experience!I have dark red hair and my ex has dark blond my daughter has my red hair and has since birth. I thought she would end up with a dirty blonde but this was not the case lol. Red hair is a recessive trait and is more likely to happen if one parent has blond hair and one red. Or both parents have red hair. But it has been known to happen that a blonde mom and a Burnett dad can have a red head too.this can happen because somewhere down the family line and it can be years.!!!! Someone had red hair this could be a great great grandma or grandpa ect. And it can sometimes show up in later generations.even when your mom or dad or whoever Else may not have red hair. I hope this helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
From my own personal experience of being a brunet and my husband a red head; we had 2 daughters and both are brunets. I believe it has to do with the sex of the child and which ever parent has the stronger genes.
If you have a son it will more than likely have red hair. Hope this was helpful.

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