How can I lose the fat on my thighs without going to the gym?


6 Answers

mandy tylor Profile
mandy tylor answered

Getting rid of fat thighs can only be achieved through diet AND exercise.
The interesting thing is that, because your legs have the largest muscles in your body, they are the best to focus on for weight loss because they require the most energy to continuously use.

However, any workout will do, so long as you are burning more calories than you consume. So, technically, any way that you can burn calories will help, not necessarily traditional workouts in the gym. Have you considered having more sex? That will burn a lot of calories ;)

Adam Cadell Profile
Adam Cadell , U.K. businessman living on the North East coast of the United Kingdom, answered

Well, I'm quite into keep fit and the one area that I can tone and lose weight from without too much effort is my legs and thighs via cycling.  I'm talking here about a fixed gym type machine - although I'm sure an ordinary bike would achieve the same end.

I bought a reasonable priced static bike, installed it in my garage and disappear there (these days) on a daily basis.

Seven days a week will be too much of a commitment for many, I took several months to reach that level, besides, everyone should begin exercise gently and build their stamina in stages and settle for a routine that suits them, if that routine was only say - three days a week, that's better than no exercise at all and will probably be perfect for many.

I also went for a quick health check with my G.P. To run over things like B.P. And other health related issues before I began my exercise regime.

Even now, I prefer not to increase the tension on the bike in order to make it harder to pedal, although this would no doubt be better for cardiovascular reasons, I use weights and kick boxing for that which I do less often.

I simply want to have a 20 minute, fairly steady level of exercise while listening to some motivational music (it gets too monotonous otherwise and the therapeutic effect is lost) the objective being to merely tone the legs but not to build muscle down there.

Needless to say, I also watch my diet too.

I find those 20 minutes allows me to lose myself in thought and as intimated a couple of paragraphs above - it's also quite cathartic and therefore therapeutic too - it also isn't so long as to become boring and a chore.

Kk polly Profile
Kk polly answered

You don't need a gym to go for a walk or run. Squats are one of the best exercises for toning legs and buttocks, specifically weighted squats. If you don't wish to workout at all and you just want to diet, you won't be able to decide where your body takes the fat from.

Helen Taing Profile
Helen Taing answered

Avoid food having fats, take healthy diet like vegetables and fruits. Also, you should do regular exercise at home.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Walk briskly for 30 minutes a day. You don't have to do it all at once. Twice a day for 15 minutes or three times for 10 minutes works too. Also maintain a proper diet.

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