Any ladies have a c-section and natural birth? any advice? freaked out please help


7 Answers

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

It's natural to be nervous about giving birth.  Talk to your doctor about your fears and concerns.  He or she knows your physical condition and medical history.  Everyone's experience is different.  Your doctor and nurses .. And the father of your baby ... Are there to make your experience as pleasant as possible.  Maybe take birthing classes .. Some knowledge from professionals will help allay your fears and prepare you for the experience!  Good Luck.

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Ashley winn
Ashley winn commented
mom is super against natural birth any everyone else against c section.. we tend to always take mommies advice so yeah, abit confused will obv speak to my doctor but curious to know what other ladies think of the 2
Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
Did your mother give you a reason for why she is against natural birth? Did she have a particularly hard time of it, because some daughters have very similar experiences.
My wife's mother had extremely easy natural births . . . so much so that one was almost born in the hallway on the way in to the delivery room. My wife was the same as her mother, BUT my first was coming out breached (feet first) so it was an emergency C-Section. If our first wasn't breached he would have been a natural child birth.
Find out specifics to how your mom carried and delivered.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
@Ashley winn

The passage through the birth canal bathes the baby in a substance that is important for his immunity in the short run.

When having a see section, I understand that they sometimes wipe the baby down with a sterile cloth that has been used to absorb the secretions so that you get the best of both worlds.

But, this is your baby and your birth experience---don't let your mother make it hers.
Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

My Wife had a C-Section, and then gave birth to my second child Naturally.

She said it was a burning sensation along the area where her C-Section scar was, so I am assuming (not having experienced it first had) that the scar tissue internally where the C-Section had been, did not have as much elasticity as the other parts of her abdomen. Regardless, I might ask for pain medication before too far dilated.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I have never had a C-section but I have had four children natural. I can assure you that even though you are in pain and you swear you will never get through it nor will you ever do it again, once they place your baby in your arms it all goes away. It is an indescribable euphoria that you will experience. Even though my last child was the "biggest" and the doctors/nurses wouldn't even give me a Tylenol and I had a "high risk" pregnancy..... I am still having major baby craves today. I hope you have a memorable birth of your child either way.

Linilla Schmidt Profile
Linilla Schmidt answered

My daughter had 2 C-sectional births with a  almost 3 years' interval. All went well, so even if you have to opt for a c-section at the last minute (which she did) , it doesn't mean you  need  to be overly concerned (freak out) . She has incidentally the RH-blood type that limits number of births to like two.

Our grandsons are now 14 and 12, and they and Mom(and dad) are lovely folks.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Ashley Winn,

On the one hand it is extremely difficult when your mother's advice is for Caesarian section. But at age 72, and my own mother an RN and I myself a retired health care professional, I do lean toward natural vaginal childbirth unless there are specific medical contraindications.

But whichever you choose, I would like to mention the value of exercise, just walking and walking all during your pregnancy. Among my own friends who did that, their deliveries tended to be remarkably easy.

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

As others have stated, each birth is different. You could have five kids and each pregnancy, each birth will be different.

I had a C-section and an epidural. It was my body; it was my pain. There wasn't going to be anyone around me that didn't support my choices. There is no shame in taking pain meds, just as there should be no shame in which way you deliver your baby.

My son got stuck in the birth canal and we were losing the heartbeat during each contraction. The decision was made to do a C-section so he would be delivered safely.

This is your experience. You and your partner should talk this over so you guys are on the same page about your birth experience. Good luck.

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Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
This is when I just absolutely melt and give unqualified thanks for the miracles of modern medicine.
Danae Hitch
Danae Hitch commented
No kidding. For my son's birth, everything could have turned out so badly, but it didn't. The nurses, especially the ones that already had had C-sections, were quick with tips on how to safely handle the baby when recovering. So thankful for that.

Ashley needs to remember that sometimes mothers get scared and project that onto their kids.

Most of the times, many births are non-events, meaning that most everything goes fine, the baby is fine and should there be any problems, everything is right there to help.

Don't let fear - anyone's fear - drive this train. You can certainly talk to others about their experiences, but get your facts from your doctor and if there is a partner in this, talk about things with them for another perspective.

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