Have you managed to get through most of your life not breaking one bone?


17 Answers

Austin Jones Profile
Austin Jones answered

i have never broken a bone but I do have two scarces on my right hand and one on my right leg

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

I haven't broke a bone. Instead I've broken my head like five times, I guess!!!! And experienced burning, scars, different type of wounds but no broken bones.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Had a few. Fractured skull, busted ribs a few times. But the funniest was a broken hand.

I had a really stubborn stump that was defying all attempts to shift it. I was using an ancient block and tackle with a wire loop that my father had made  back in the 1940s,  but all without managing to budge the thing.

So I borrowed a stump puller, attached it to the loop, and put all my weight into it.

Fortunately I was pulling to the side and not toward my body because when the wire loop broke the stump puller flew about 15 feet through the air with me still hanging onto it.

I had no sensation of flying, but that's exactly what I did, and landed under a bush half way across the yard, bruised, bewildered, and with a broken hand.

Didn't get much sympathy from Mrs Didge, though.

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

No such luck for me. I broke a few fingers, both wrists and two vertebrae. The finger breaks were from playing football and baseball in the neighborhood, both wrists (at different times) playing ice hockey and my vertebrae when lifting a case of Campbell's Baked Beans.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I was almost 50 before I broke a toe. I kicked the ottoman when I jumped up because the buzzer on the dryer wet off.

Toxic Hairball Profile
Toxic Hairball answered

No. I was one of those BMX idiots as a kid. By 15, I had broken my tibia, bones in both my feet at different times and fractured my forearm. Counting many other close calls it could have been much more. Parents who support young kids in this "sport" are abusers in my book.

Jaimie  JT Profile
Jaimie JT answered

I've broken two bones in my life so far ...I broke my thumb by slamming it a car door Annnd I broke something else by a story to embarressing to share , even for me :p

5 People thanked the writer.
Jaimie  JT
Jaimie JT commented
Lol :) you know I'll tell just about anything about everything ... But this ones privatized tiger !!! :p
Zack -  Mr. GenXer
Somehow, Jaimie, I imagined you in a body cast. My bad.
Jaimie  JT
Jaimie JT commented
Lol :) that's cos you're getting to know I'm a calamity :p

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