
How To Lose Weight In 8 Weeks For An 11 Year Old Girl?


6 Answers

Christy Muller Profile
Christy Muller answered

To lose weight as an 11 year old girl...I would suggest eating salads before your meals along with a tall glass of cold water...this will fill you up and make you less likely to over-eat when it comes to your main meal.

Further, cut out most of the processed foods from your diet.  Stick to veggies, lean meats, eggs, grains, nuts etc..

Also, don't eat until you're full, eat until you're just "satisfied"....when you feel you're at or near that point, stop eating for 15 takes about that long for your stomach to tell your brain that it's full, so help your brain out by stopping when you feel you've had enough.

If you're still hungry after 15 min, you can eat a bit more, but this new practice should help you eat less.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well you eat 3 Pisces of fruit an hour then slip your big meals for a smaller portion then for break fest have a Banana smithy with a bowl of whitey bits. Then after  that go on a morning jog take with you a bottle of water and a apple.when you come back take a shower and have a go out side and get a tan because if your skinny and you Havant got a tan whats the point so follow this and do this every day then you will be in top shape okay written by lauren
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
An 11 year old girl should not be trying to loose weight  unless she is extremely overweight  about 50lbs over normal weight at that age, at which time she should be taken to a pediatric doctor for proper diagnosis. This age is critical for growth and the body will need a lot for fuel and energy.

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