
Does The Oral Hcg Spray Work As Well As The Injections Or Other Oral Products?


6 Answers

Monica Stott Profile
Monica Stott answered
The Oral Hcg spray can work just as well as the injections and drops, depending upon the company that you purchase them from.

Hcg spray is Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin. There is an entire diet plan, all discovered by a Dr. ATW Simeon who is a British endocrinologist. This is a safe weight loss plan that puts the Hcg hormone into action, allowing your hypothalamus to tell your body to consume excessive fat deposits while protecting lean muscle.

The benefits to the Hcg spray are that it doesn’t require a painful injection, doesn’t require a prescription or even a physician’s consultation. They are less expensive than injections, too. It comes down to why you want the spray instead of the injections or oral drops. Is it because you don’t like the needle or because you don’t want to visit the doctor? If it’s the latter, use caution.

This form of weight loss has helped thousands of people, however it’s important to do the diet that goes along with the system as well. It’s also important to follow the instructions for use. Over using the spray can be damaging to the body, even though it is homeopathic. Some sprays require you to use it more often than drops, too, so if you’re not sure how much you should take or whether it’s right for you, ask your doctor.

The Hcg spray is homeopathic and all natural, which means it’s not mixed with any narcotics. This can be good for people with addiction problems or with problems processing certain drugs. Those that use the Hcg sprays and injections have reported significant weight loss. Some companies claim that a person can lose up to 2 pounds a day or 40 pounds in 40 days. Before trying to lose weight using this method, you should consult your doctor to make sure that it is a healthy option for you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just to be clear:

The Oral HCG Spray is nothing more than a homeopathic version of real HCG.  Homeopathic remedies don't actually have any discernible amount of HCG in them, so it is dubious whether it works as well.  Some people say they do, other say they do not.

There is an easy way to prove it to yourself one way or the other (see Homeopathic HCG Proof)

Homeopathic remedies do not require a prescription, which is why companies are starting to produce and sell these alternate forms of HCG.  Buyer beware.

There are homeopathic versions of HCG that you take as drops under your tongue, but the idea behind the spray is to prevent the inevitable touching of the dropper tip to your tongue and thereby contaminating the bottle.  The oral spray version solves that problem.

That being said, there is now an HCG Nasal Spray, which DOES contain HCG (and requires a prescription) that has been shown to be as effective as the hCG Injections.

By the way, there is also an HCG Transdermal Gel that you rub on your skin (also real HCG, requires a prescription).

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You need to follow the specific diet of Dr. Simoen's Protocol to lose the weight.  Do a search for the document Pounds & Inches.  It explains exactly how HCG works and what you can expect.  There are 4 phases.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The HCG Nasal Spray I use has REAL HCG in it and requires a prescription!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have tried both the spray and the drops - they both worked for me 1-2 pounds per day.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Do you have to follow the diet included with the spray for it to work or can you use your own diet?

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