
Im Male 22 5ft 7 How Much Should I Weigh?


3 Answers

Ellie Hoe Profile
Ellie Hoe answered
Weight height scales of adults that is after 18 years of age don't take age in to consideration. For a male of 5 feet and 7 inches, weight should be 67.59-72.57 Kg or 149-160 pounds including shoes. You should take care of diet if over weight. Don't eat too much fats, fried foods and bakery foods. Go for exercise for at least one hour daily. One hour daily swimming is more beneficial than routine exercise.
The Instigator Profile
The Instigator answered
Use the chart below

  Body Mass Index (BMI)

Step 1.  Multiply your weight in pounds by 703.
Step 2.  Multiply your height in inches by itself.
Step 3.  Divide the first number by the second.

BMI  Under 19:  Underweight
BMI  19 to 25:  Healthy weight
BMI  26 to 30:  Overweight
BMI  31 to 39:  Very overweight
BMI  40 and above:  Extremely overweight

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