Why Would It Be Fatal To Give Someone IV Distilled Water Instead Of Normal Saline If Their Blood Pressure Was Dropping?


1 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Please, please, please do not give any fluids in an IV w/o 1.) a doctors order, 2.) the proper education & 3.) if you are questioning yourself. Intuition is powerful! Listen to it. If you are experiencing a drop in BP, ask yourself- Are you taking hypotensives? Did the drop occur after rising from laying or sitting down position? Are you dehydrated? If the drop in BR is sudden and severe (dizziness, collapse, fatigue) call 911 or go to the ER. If it makes you uneasy, call your doc. You could always drink that distilled water, thus increasing your fluid volume, which can help to regulate your BP. Distilled water is a hypotonic solution that can and would cause a persons red blood cells to swell and burst which could cause death. Also, even if it was an acceptable solution for IV administration, it is not sterile (even if it is still in it's sealed container). Common IV solutions are normal saline, (0.9% NaCl), lactated ringers, D5 1/2 NS etc. If the drop is bothering you go to the ER.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Can you save someone if you put distilled water in their iv?
Anonymous commented
Thanks for that answer! Not to worry- just trying to answer case study question and understand if my thinking was correct. Nursing school to begin in the spring- won't mess with anyone till then: )

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