
What Can I Do To Clear My Urine Of Cocaine Residue?


6 Answers

denise  goodwin Profile
denise goodwin answered
Your system will rid the body of cocaine within 3-4 days naturally. IF you are trying to rid the cocaine from your system for a drug test then you will have to drink water like a fish and try some cranberry juice. Nothing works in 24 hours so try to clean your system at least 48 hours before. They do have body detox formulas sold in drugstores or health stores. They can be expensive so try the vitamin niacin this is a lot cheaper and works.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I used on friday night and took test on monday after noon i have been drinking like fish and am urinating clear what do you think about it
denise  goodwin
denise goodwin commented
I think you made out ok because if their was a problem with the urine test they wpould have told you on the spot unless they are lab testing. I'm assuming they used the stick to test you and that gives immediare results Good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Drink lots of water  and sweat it out don 't drop urine in the morning as long as the a/you is 72 hours after use and it is a stick test trust me
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I used one small line of cocaine on sunday night and may have to take a stick urinalysis on thursday will I be ok!!
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
There is nothing you can do to clean your urine. If it's dirty, it's dirty. Testing is so sophisticated it will detect any foreign substances in the system.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Simple answer; DON'T DO THE DRUGS IN THE FIRST PLACE! Theres nothing [I]good[/I] that comes from doing drugs, its stupid, foolish, and immature. Honestly, what makes drugs so appealing in the first place? It not only pollutes the air we take in everyday, but they smell like shit..people KNOW what it does to you, and they know its addicting and yet they smoke it anyways! I think everyone who does drugs are selfish, selfish people- they hurt the people and enviroment around them a hell of a lot more then they hurt the person doing them! ..discusting! If you want to clean your piss before a drug test; once its dirty, its dirty, and your dirty. End of story.

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