
How Much Does A Size Zero Weigh?


7 Answers

Winter Profile
Winter answered
I am a size zero in juniors and I weigh about 93 pounds.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm a size zero. I weigh 7stone! Took me 4 years to get that from 6stone. And stop asking 'who'd want to be a size zero?' its a normal eight, it used to be size 10 in england a few years ago and the women were around 5ft3 and under perhaps which makes it perfectly normal for the short women and girls here. Its not particularly unhealthy and my doctor says I'm fine. (I'm 5ft1)
Also, some of us try really hard to gain weight just because you overweight people insult us for being naturally thin when really theres nothing wrong with us. And theres probably nothing wrong with you guys, but because youre not Happy with yourselves you project your problems to us.
I'm sick of trying to gain weight. I have a beautiful hourglass figure, 24F(custom made or 28DD from shops) bra size, a nice smooth waist NOT disrupted by my ribs, because I'm NATURALLY thin and nicely shaped hips with a butt my black ancesters gave a bit of shape to!
Don't look at dying models and compare them to healthy petite women! It's insulting and extremely ignorant!
[Rant over]
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You're crazy if you want to be a size 0!1
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I wear a size 0 and weigh 94 pound
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Why would you want to wear a size 0? Tht is too skinny!
Aim for a size 2! Thats what I wear :)  I weigh 119. But to get into a size 0 I'd have to b like 105isssh?
Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
The weight of a person of zero size or a new born depends upon the height the infant has. We can take the example of it by supposing the height of a kid so that weight can be given to you. If a new born has the height of nineteen inches, the weight you can find of the kid is 7lb. 4 oz. But when it comes to maintaining this weight, you will find that it has no uniformity throughout; after birth the kid is expected to loose some weight and it is only a few days phenomenon as they again started gaining weight; you will find that within ten to fourteen days the kid returned to normal.  
When we talk of the first year growth it is expected to be quite rapid and this growth is complementing the developmental changes that happen with the infant. The weight of the body gets doubled in about four to five months and by the time it completes the first year the weight gets tripled.
I can give you the address of a website that is considered as useful if you want to know more about the phenomenon of growth. The address is following:
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 5foot 1inch, weigh 95lbs, am 20 years old and I am a size zero in teens clothing, and a 00in women's clothing

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