
I Weigh 9 Stone And I'm 5ft 1in, Am I Over Weight?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 5ft 3 and have suffered from anorexia nervosa for five years, I am trying hard to over come this and would love to be as healthy as you guys seem. Please don't fret about your weight like I did or it will become regrettable obsession.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 5ft. And a little less than 9 stone. I could loose some weight but am still pretty healthy. As long as your healthy your OK.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am roughly the same and I am 13 too I think it is kinda normal your not fat!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 5ft 2 and 9 stone; I have a wii fit and it says I'm over weight but the bmi chart in my medical book says I'm fine. As long as you do loads of exercise and eat well you'll be healthy and fit and your weight won't really matter
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm the same 5ft 1 and weigh just under 9 stone.
I think I need to lose weight.
Cus I think I'm fat.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm around the same and I am fit and healthy I'm training to be a proffesional dancer
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I weigh the same. According to bmi that's healthy but I want to lose about 10lbs because some of my clothes are feeling a bit tight...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yea I'm 13 and weigh 6 stone 42 and have a huge belly so you are a bit overweight but don't worry cause so am I
I hate being fat I can't evan se my toes he he

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