A 1981 irish hunger striker named Kieran Doherty lived for 73 days without food
According to Ripley's Believe It Or Not, the longest a person has gone without ingesting any solids at all is 21 days without fasting.
David Blaine spent 44 days in a box suspended 30 feet in the air in London. During that time he lived only off water (4.5 litres per day), no food or nutrients of any kind were taken.
Well, I've personally gone 301 days (43 weeks) so far without ingesting any solids and I'm not expected to eat for at least another 8 weeks. So, that would answer the question about eating "solids" or ingesting anything by mouth for that matter. However, I get my nutrition through TPN and I receive tube feed directly into my intestine that does little more than maintain motility in my intestines. Any liquid that goes in my mouth goes out through a hole/tube before its digested. I can't ingest solids for fear that it would "clog" the way they have my plumbing routed right now. So, in the end, I'm expected to have gone nearly a year without eating a single morsel of food. I was in an accident on August 15th that caused a lot of internal damage to explain why I'm currently unable to eat. So, I think I have a phone number to call and $100 to collect! :)
Oh I think it's much longer than that. It would be different for fat va skinny people. I have read the average is one month , however I recently saw a documentary on obesity that spoke of a man who went several months in a laboratory . I don't recall the exact amount of time but it was much longer than I would have thought possible) the condition being that the man was grossly overweight. Most interesting I think is the disparity between food and water. Serious dehydration occurs in 36 hours an death can occur after 72.
Man I went for 3 weeks without eating food. All that happen was a couple of faints, a couple of trips to the hospital, my rib cage showing, loss of energy and muscle mass, and a couple hallucinations. But I'm pretty sure somebody can go longer than me. If somebody call this number 7038569732 and I will give you $100.
Well you normally can't go a week or 2 without food... So I would imagine without dying, he longest someone has gone would be no more than 2 weeks