However, before you begin your own removal process, you should always check with a doctor to make sure that these dermatological issues are not symptoms of something more severe. If you are not already aware, a mole can actually be the first sign of melanoma, which is skin cancer. Of course, this is particularly true of a mole that you have never noticed before. Obviously, if you notice a mole that is new to you or you simply want to remove something that you feel is unsightly you should always get them checked by a doctor to make sure that you do not need a more serious form of treatment.
Similarly, skin tags can be irritating and unattractive and can sometimes pop up unexpectedly. There are many ways to remove them at home and some people have had success with over the counter remedies like Compound-W. Again, though, you should always get yourself checked out when you see something like this because they could be a sign of something more serious. For example, skin tags usually don’t return to the same location once you remove them. If they do, though, there could be something else going on.
Ironically, if you go to the doctor and they find that your moles or skin tags are harmless (but unattractive) they can probably just remove them for you in the office with a very quick and simple procedure!