What To Do For A Pulled Muscle In The Neck?


26 Answers

jerome penn Profile
jerome penn answered
There are a number of methods that you can employ in order to help your neck heal and return to pain free functioning. It is very important for you to get as much rest as possible in the initial stages of the injury. You need to try and minimise the amount of movement your neck endures. When the injury first occurs, the muscle will be stressed and tender, so you do not want to aggravate the damage any more.

Water is a fantastic natural remedy for healing muscle pain. By drinking water, you are keeping your body hydrated and therefore improving your body’s ability to eliminate the toxins that are excreted by the damaged muscle tissue. This helps relieve the feeling of stiffness and pain.

Be sure to apply ice to the injured area of the neck at regular intervals for around 1 to 25 minutes. The ice will help reduce any swelling around the muscles as well as cooling down the painful throbbing. Always sit up right when applying ice to ensure the method works correctly.

After the initial stages of the injury have passed, you should also consider using heat remedies as opposed to ice. This will help promote a smoother circulation around the injured area and therefore help it to heal more promptly. If you experience any discomfort or pain as a result of using heat remedies, you should counter act them with the use of ice.

Finally, you should then look to strengthen and reacquaint the neck muscles with the normal movements. There are several neck exercises that can be done in order to help the muscles return to their regular function and avoid any loss of motion range.
Given how delicate the neck area is on the body, it is important to seek professional advice from a doctor or physiotherapist before you perform any form of neck exercises.
markeith jackson Profile
Use ibuprofen, the strongest dose. Make sure you put something in your stomach because that stuff is strong. Then use tiger balm. It's a type of medicated salve and it smells strong. Heat is good, so if it's cold  where you r at. Wrap your neck after you put the salve on. Don't wrap it too tight because that will cause the swelling to increase. Turn on the heater so you'll sweat and the swelling will go down.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Woke up an hour ago and moved my head which pulled the muscle in my neck have taken painkillers but at the moment still hurts so much I want to cry!!! Wrapped my scarf around it which took some of the pain away but still hurts a lot : (
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can also try 20 minutes of heat, and then 20 minutes of ice. Do that for a bit...at least 80 minutes for the first sitting. Ibuprophen will help too. If it keeps on aching for a long period of time you may need to see a doc. Good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same issue right now. I woke up stretched and I got the pain -_- It hurted really really bad. Everytime I moved the muscle would tighten up and make it hurt even more. I messaged it and moved my next left to right slowly , and it made it a little better but it still hurts somewhat. I tried rotating my neck slowly but thats too much pain, it hurt really bad on the right sie "/ So I would suggest warming it up for 20 minutes and massaging it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yeah I would imagine some heat relief may be good,but I have to try it because I'm a heavy metal guitar player and,well you know the head banging scene,and I severly pulled some muscles last night.I tried slowly moving it to right and left and it helped some.
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
You need to check it from a doctor. Normally pulled neck muscles can be relaxed with massage of olive oil or stiff muscles relief medicine.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have same problem oh god some body tell me what to do I have  already applied all tasks  to bring back it to normal oh my god please somebody help:~(
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Last night I was in the pool and I pulled a muscle and it hurt all night I tryed everthing but hot bath helped a lot
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My neck started being stiff for about a week then the pain went to my chest  and its been like this for a couple of weeks  went to the doctors and they gave me muscle relaxers but it still hurts how long can this last should I call the doctors again
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need help people my neck vein on the left its starting to beat rapidly and whenever I turn my head to the left I get a really bad pain which is telling me   to keep my head to the right also I have just realised that my left shoulder is lower than my right. What should I do I need help straight away.
Adnan Siddiq Profile
Adnan Siddiq answered
Take bed rest and apply neck collar to make your neck as much immobile as possible. Take some painkillers and apply heat therapy over the painful area. Always consult your doctor if the condition doesn't improve after 3days or if you have other serious symptoms.

Take care....
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
If you cant move your neck because it hurts move it right until it starts hurting and message it i did that and it really helped
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My neck is aching too.. I'm not sure what is wrong tho.. Should I try to relieve it myself or see a doctor?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't have the answer thats why I'm here I'm in pain pulled it in the bath last night and this morning was in so much pain I almost puked
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you saw the doctor and gave you med but it still hurts go see the doctor again my mom has the same problem she don't kno what to do?? Any suggestions
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have exactly the same as you do and I went to see my GP they said I may have pulled a muscle but go back in 3 days.Personally I would go to your GP and they will tell you from their
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My mum tells me that you should rotate the neck slowly.
If it continues to hurt, see a GP
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I physically can't turn my head or look up or down. LOL!
Its very painful and embarrassing but I'm just going to take the pain
melissa childers Profile
I'd try a deep tissue massage and also, check with your doctor about taking a relafen pack..it's an anti flammatory that works wonders. Good Luck!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Uhhhhh it hurts so bad I just woke up this morning and it hurt very much and then I heated it with a warm towl helped a little and now I am using salonpas
kara brugier Profile
kara brugier answered
The neck muscle will hurt but if you rub it every night it will feel better in about 2 days.If it does not go to the doctor it could be bad.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have this exact problem right now , I got it yesterday when I woke up ,
my mom told me not to baby it , yes I still live with my mom I'm only 16 ,
you have to force yourself to move it back and froth really slow ,
if it hurts after 2 days then go see a doctor they will getting the twisted vain out .
You'll be fine , I was crying all yesterday , my house doctor came and couldnt help and said it will get out by it self , just wait it will be fine , this question was asked 2 years ago , just if you get it again here :)

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