"A Transthoracic Echocardiogram (TTE) is a form of Echocardiography. Echocardiography is used to diagnose cardiovascular (heart) diseases. It is one of the most widely use methods of diagnosis as it is 'non-invasive', i.e. There is no need to break the skin or enter body cavities., and there are no risks or side effects.
A standard echocardiogram is known as a TTE or cardiac ultrasound. In this procedure, an echocardiography transducer (or probe) is placed on the patient's chest, and images are taken through the chest wall. This is good for an accurate evaluation of the health of the patient's heart. An alternative way to perform an echocardiogram is to use a specialised probe, containing an ultrasound transducer in its tip, and place into the patient's oesophagus. This is the procedure that uses 'Doppler evaluation' to register and record the images. This is known as a 'Transoesophageal Echocardiogram' or TOE (or TEE in the US due to their spelling of the word oesophagus).
A standard echocardiogram is known as a TTE or cardiac ultrasound. In this procedure, an echocardiography transducer (or probe) is placed on the patient's chest, and images are taken through the chest wall. This is good for an accurate evaluation of the health of the patient's heart. An alternative way to perform an echocardiogram is to use a specialised probe, containing an ultrasound transducer in its tip, and place into the patient's oesophagus. This is the procedure that uses 'Doppler evaluation' to register and record the images. This is known as a 'Transoesophageal Echocardiogram' or TOE (or TEE in the US due to their spelling of the word oesophagus).