What's A Good Way To Toughen Up The Soles Of Your Feet?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One good way to HELP toughen your feet is to use rubbing alcohol on your feet at night before you go to bed. It helps dry out the skin and make it tougher.
Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
That is my experience. Walking barefoot! First around your house then in your driveway and even try some gravel for short forays. I used to have feet so tough that I could walk through all kinds of debris without cutting them. HOt sand in small doses. The more you go barefoot, the quicker they toughen. If you can safely walk in flip flops, that helps a little. There was a time I could climb fences and run in them. Hope this helps!
Mitch Cameron Profile
Mitch Cameron answered
I do what you do, I walk around my house in bare feet (I know it's not healthy). I also walk outside on my drive way in bare feet. I heard walking on sand will toughen up your feet.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
"it's not healthy." What!? Yes it is healthy! Much healthier than wearing shoes. Shoes provide a perfect warm, dark, moist environment in which bacteria and fungus can grow and thrive. These things cannot survive let alone thrive on bare feet. Yes, your feet get dirty, but it all washes off at the end of the day and there's nothing permanent. I don't know where this notion started but I suspect that anyone who tries to convince you that shoes are healthy wants to sell you a pair. Think...
Anonymous commented
Walk on hot enough asphalt for a longer walk and the black dirt gets "baked" into the sole. In other words, ingrained. Ingrained dirt does not wash off at the end of the day. It only wears away after a few days, or after a longer walk along something like wet beach sand. Ingrained dirt over ingrained dirt is what gives the soles a "permanent" dirty sole look. I still have an ingrained dirt edge of the heel that even started small cracks even a momth after I stopped regular barefooting due to colder weather, even a couple of walks along the beach that removed the ingrained dirt on the rest of the sole.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Apply surgical spirit to the soles of your feet to toughen them up, according to my great grandmother,& my chiropodist
moodie madd Profile
moodie madd answered
The true best ways are walking around barefoot. Outside and inside. Walk on different textures(rocks, sand, cement, ect...) that will toughen them up. I really don't think there is any other way!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sandpaper your feet til they callous.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
But the sandpaper has to be rough enough so it doesn't smooth away the calluses. A hand grater is even better since it can actually make etch lines that form into calluses.

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