I Have A Painful Hard Lump On Outside Edge Of Foot, Midway Between Small Toe And Heel? What Might It Be?


4 Answers

Yun Wan Profile
Yun Wan answered
The term given to unknown lumps on the skin are known as tumors; however this does not necessarily mean that the lump is cancerous. They are sometimes also referred to as bumps, nodules, contusions or cysts. A hard lump anywhere on the skin could develop for a number of reasons, including infections, inflammations, cancerous tumors or trauma. They may also have varying characteristics, depending on the cause of the lump. This could specify the size of the lump, how many lumps are apparent in that general area of the skin, the hardness of the lump, how painful it is or whether the lump is growing or at a fixed size.

If you're unsure and/or worried about the issue it is highly recommended to consult a professional on the issue. Your general practitioner (GP) at your registered surgery would be sufficient for such an issue. Tests would be performed in order to accurately identify the issue and decide on a course of action to solve the problem.

Lumps on the skin becoming apparent due to infection may appear to be, or have similar characteristics, to boils and/or abscesses. Such causes can range from bites from insects to injuries that cause a collection of blood in tissues (Hematoma). Such injury could be sustained by the simple sweating of the foot causing the skin to rub against the materials of footwear.

Benign and malignant tumors of the skin, tissues and bone may appear as bumps on the skin. In such extreme cases medical attention should be attained in order to surgically remove such growths. Generally, some form of biopsy is needed in order to accurately identify a tumor to be cancerous.

Another possible cause for lumps on the skin could be cysts. These are fluid filled sacs that may be apparent at birth, however can develop from inflammation, tumors or general wearing of the skin in body parts that undergo more pressure and movement, such as the feet.
Billy Ray Profile
Billy Ray answered
What you could have is a misalignment of the the 5th metatarsal bone- the long bone extending from the little toe to the cuboid bone. Both the 4th and the 5th metatarsals "sit" on the cuboid bone. A condition known as a subluxed cuboid could be causing the end of the 4th, but especially the 5th metatarsal bone to shift to the outside(lateral) part of the foot, causing what looks like a knot.
This can be caused by injury, stress or strain. Also- there is a muscle/tendon called the peroneus brevis that attaches at the end of the 5th metatarsal that can be a problem. If injured, it can pull the 5th metatarsal bone outward. You need to see a good podiatrist to go into what your exact diagnosis is, and therefore come up with the best treatment for you.
linda lola Profile
linda lola answered
My dear friend I have degree in a foot doctor. Let me explain
well when you walk for a long period of time without washing and massaging your feat every day then your sweat will rub against your shoes so next time when you are hiking change your sock 3 times a day and soak in warm water once a day trust me I am a specialist. 
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have it too
just rub some asain oil on it and drink this medicine at WalMart that relieves the pain

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