
My Son Bangs His Head When He Is Very Angry He Is Starting To See A Child Psychiatrist. He Is 9 Years Old He Is Very Aggresive . What Should I Do?


6 Answers

Kristie Kreps Profile
Kristie Kreps answered
      I also have a son that is 8 years old,will be 9 in November. He has always been aggressive and angry. His Dr. And psycologist has said he is ADHD secondary to Bi-polar. However they do not want to formally diagnose him as bipolar because then he would have to be treated medicine wise and there are a lot of risk at this age. Patience is a much needed thing and I have learned to speak softer with him. He said in counsiling last week it makes him angry to be picked on by his older siblings, he is the baby of 7, but yet his "fun thing to do" was pick on his siblings. It's crazy I know. Hang in there God can help you and I will Pray that you are given the wisdom and patience you need.oh one thing I was told by the psycol to start constantly reminding him how it feels to get so angry. My son is starting to realize and count to 10. Sometimes it works but it took a lot of practice before he did it alone. Also try to not show so much attention to the small stuff as far as reacting to it quickly, try letting him work it out to... My son used a ball bat and one of those "swing-away" things you would use for baseball practice. We made one in the yard by drilling a hole through a baseball and running a small rope through it, tie it off and hang it on a pole or a low branch of the tree. Hope it helps, God Bless you and your son.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Do what you are doing... Seeking help! :) Being willing to seek outside help, lets your child know that you are interested in his well being. Sometimes there is an underlying issue that creates the aggression. A child psychiatrist is a wonderful place to start! Do NOT expect the psychiatrist to have all the answers or to find a "quick cure". You need to reassure your child that he is loved no matter his behavior! Seperate the behavior from the child themselves. The behavior is bad behavior, the child is not bad. Good luck! You are off to a great start!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi my name is jaime arias my son is 18month and when he gets mad he bangs his head on everything what can I do to make him stop
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I honestly think that children these days are much too spoiled and need to be disciplined like they were back when I was young. You might have to be more strict with him and no matter how many tantrums he throws just don't give in. Let him know that if he continues he'll go to bed without food. If you don't stop this behavior now think of how bad it could get when he's 19. Good luck and I wish the best to all parents.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
That's ridiculous. It's not as simple as 'children are spoiled' mishi. There is an issue when a child is angry inside. I was an angry child and sending me to bed without food wouldn't work. It had nothing to do with being spoiled. It's a selfesteem issue...fear and anger are often connected. I don't think it is as simple as you think.
yvette Jones Profile
yvette Jones answered
Don't PUT YOUR SON ON MEDICATION. THAT SHOULD BE AN ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT. Usually its just an imbalance in his head that is causing aggression. There are natural vitamins he can take to calm him down like B complex vitamins or st. Johns wort. They are known to be calming and I use to take them. Look into foods or diets free from too much sugar. Thats helps a lot. Don't fall into that trap of he needs ridalin, he needs medication. Those meds drive children crazy.  Take him to a doctor that will put him on natural vitamins. The amount he takes can't be too much for his body. God Bless and good luck.
Nic Hawkins Profile
Nic Hawkins answered
Your son might have problems at school. Maybe it would be most important if you talk to his teachers. And honestly for him to see a psychiatrist at 9 years old is one of the last things I would do if even an option. This kind of situation is best for the mom or the dad to help sort out. When he starts to act up, grab him,set him down and ask him politely "son why are you acting so angrily towards me, did I or someone else upset you" if you know the answer sit down and work it out but don't let him think he is having it his way.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Lol Glad you're nopt an expert on children. The anger a child feels is often a reflection of what is going on inside. Nothing to do with it being personal against parents. Children often vent with parents but it isn't all about them. Id say counseling is needed to understand the underlying cause. I speak from my own experience of being one of those angry children.

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