There could be a hundred and one reasons for a swollen clitoris, ranging from a hair inside the tiny hole at the top to fungal or bacterial infections; from injury or allergies to the build up of fluid due to a blockage in the natural lubrication system.
Tight underwear or trousers can also cause friction that may irritate this sensitive area. In addition, they put the clothing in such close contact that an allergy to washing powder etc may result. Excessive use of soap may also cause an irritation.
In the meantime, a soak in some warm water with a few drops of lavender essential oil will help to soothe the area.
- Hair
- Injury or Trauma
Tight underwear or trousers can also cause friction that may irritate this sensitive area. In addition, they put the clothing in such close contact that an allergy to washing powder etc may result. Excessive use of soap may also cause an irritation.
- Bartholomew's Cyst
- Bacterial and Fungal Infections
In the meantime, a soak in some warm water with a few drops of lavender essential oil will help to soothe the area.