
How do I get myself to stay active on really slow days ? I always plan to do things but never actually do em. And it only happens when days are slow. Is there away I can break that habit ? Thanks !


1 Answers

Christy Muller Profile
Christy Muller answered

If you're not writing out your plans ON PAPER, you're not planning!

Plan things out by writing them out in a book or on a calendar out in the open for you to see....put a giant X over the calendar day for each day that you do what you planned.

You will start to see a chain of X's and get addicted to seeing this...DON'T BREAK THE CHAIN!

You need to log your effort in this way to keep yourself accountable.

Also, don't stop and think...JUST DO IT.  The moment you catch yourself wondering if you should or not, take that as a que to DROP whatever you are currently doing, no matter what it is, go out and exercise!

Establish new standards for yourself about what is and is not acceptable and stay motivated..

Watch motivational YT vids on weight loss daily.

1 Person thanked the writer.
Izzy SouthernGirl
Thanks !
Nic Prince
Nic Prince commented
Great answer Christie!
What works for me as well is to exercise second thing in the morning. First thing is to have something to eat to get my blood sugar right. Usually a banana.
Wishing you all the best on your journey.

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