
What is the impact of risky behaviour?


3 Answers

Emily Rivers Profile
Emily Rivers answered

Risky behaviour can have a number of impacts, depending on what the behaviour is. Some examples of risky behaviour are:

  • Smoking
  • Drinking
  • Taking drugs
  • Having unprotected or underage sex
  • Engaging in criminal acts, such as stealing

Although taking risks can be a normal part of life, there gets to a point where these risks can be a danger to our health. It's more likely that teenagers will be taking part in these risky behaviours.

So, what is the impact of risky behaviour?

Risky behaviour can result in things that might not only harm the person taking the risk but also other people around them. What about friends, family, or even strangers? And what about legal impacts? What happens if the person who is involved in the risky behaviour goes to prison? These are many impacts of the behaviour that a lot of teenagers don't think about. They could even have lasting effects like permanent lung or liver damage.

Here's a video made by a school that demonstrates some of the effects of risky behaviour:

What to think about when making a decision about a risky behaviour

There are a few questions that someone can ask themselves if they are thinking about doing something that could be risky:

  • Reflection - asking yourself "If I do this, what will it mean?"
  • Thinking about the consequences of the risky behaviour
  • Thinking about how the behaviour will affect family or friends

And last of all...

Thinking about how taking the risk will impact the person themselves.

Finally, you might find it useful to have a look at the similar questions asked here: //


Elizabeth MacConnachie Profile

Death, injury, a mental breakdown, broken relationships, anger, diseases; illness;  it depends on the behaviour.  - criminal courts; regret;

Sara Lewis Profile
Sara Lewis answered

The impact of risky behaviour can have a dramatic impact on your life. 

This can involve the fall out of doing "bad" things like doing drugs, and taking part in criminal acts, and we can all agree that these aren't great life choices, but I would counter this with a reminder that not all risky behaviour is bad!

Of course, it all comes down to how you define taking a "risk" - some things are riskier than others, but a little bit of risk taking can definitely be a positive thing.

When does risky behaviour have a positive impact?

Imagine if you think you have a really great idea for business but you're a little scared to go for it incase it doesn't work out. It's definitely safer to stick with what you know, but imagine if you did go for it, and it was a success? You might get to spend the rest of your life doing something that you love, and maybe making money at the same time.

A lot of life's riskiest decisions are the ones that have the potential to make you the happiest: should I take this trip? should I date this guy? move to this city? etc etc. 

My advice? Weigh up the pros and cons... And then maybe go for it regardless!

"No man is worth his salt who is not ready at all times to risk his well-being, to risk his body, to risk his life in a great cause"

Theodore Roosevelt

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