I don't think anyone on here could safely advise you. See your doctor. Good luck.
I'm scared.....I had protected sex May 31st and I'm supposed to have my period around June 13-15 but it started on the 9th. I think its implantation bleeding or my period, I'm confused. Should I be worried? Someone help
Your best to see a physician - they are your best choice.
Can you tell the difference, or does it really look like implantation bleeding? http://www.babymed.com/implantation-bleeding-and-spotting-and-symptoms (scroll down to the differences)
Keep in mind it could be just an early period; sometimes sex messes around with when the period starts, though usually the day is pushed back.
If you're really worried, wait a couple days and go to the doctor to get it checked, or wait a week and use a home pregnancy test kit.