Is the world a dark place or place of full opportunities?


9 Answers

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

The world is a wonderful place, a cornucopia of good things. For those of us fortunate to be born in reasonable circumstances -- which would include most of the Western world -- there is no reason why we shouldn't have whatever we desire, as long as we're prepared to put in the necessary time and effort.

For those born in impoverished countries the same may not apply and few would have the opportunity to achieve the things their more fortunate cousins can expect.

So darkness and opportunity depend very largely on your birthplace, and on your fortune in winning -- or losing -- the gene lottery.

11 People thanked the writer.
Numero  Uno
Numero Uno commented
Don't you think it depends on the person's effort? Because in my opinion people just need to have an inspiration to do something . But you are right in some way as well. :)
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Of course. No effort, no progress. But people born in undeveloped and corrupt societies don't have the same opportunity for self-improvement that we more-fortunate people enjoy.
Numero  Uno
Numero Uno commented
Yes that's a really good statement and i understand your idea.
Ravin Local Profile
Ravin Local answered

That answer would depend upon individual circumstances, in my opinion. It can look pretty dark, if you're not in " a good place" in your life, just as it can look wonderfully opportunistic, if you're happy and looking at the world through rosé colored glasses.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

The answer is simply .. 'yes'.

It is both dark and bright at the same time.  It can be a nightmare and it can be a dream .. It is what you make it.

Tris Fray Potter Profile

I believe that the world can be either, depending on the thoughts of the individual.  For a pessimistic person, or someone who has been through many hardships, the world can seem a dark, dangerous place, however, for an optimistic person, the world can seem wonderful.  It all depends how you decide to look at the world.

Charles Davis Profile
Charles Davis answered

The Earth is a place of what you make it. I find it a very pleasent place, and am happy to be here. Crime is down, war is not global (as in the 1940's) there are issues, but throughout history, there always has been.

Twallgirl Wallace Profile

The current situation earth wide would lead many to say that the world is in a dark place. Rightly so because the bible tells us that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, this one being Satan the Devi. He is in an unhappy state of mind and wants people to be just like him! The bible however speaks of a bright future. It tells us at  Revelation 21:4: "And He will wipe out every tear from there eye, and death will be no more, neither will mourning, nor outcry, nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away"

thanked the writer.
View all 5 Comments
Twallgirl Wallace
You're right, we have to put forth effort. One way I accomplished this was by studying the bible. I learned answers to many of my questions: why is there so much suffering? Why do we get sick and die? What is our purpose? I soon found out things are not the way God planned them to be. I also found satisfying solutions to help me cope with my daily problems. I encourage all to have a bible study of there own
Benjamin Coleman
Benjamin Coleman commented
I'm glad you found the answers you needed :).
Charles Davis
Charles Davis commented
It's good you've found what you need. For me I found it once I left the grips of christianity, and its ways. What I've found is Christianity has read more into the bible then was ever intended by the writers, or could have been imagined by them. I am an avid student of the bible, but not as a believer, I read and study it objectively, not as most bible students do. It's a fascinating work of art, and record of the life and cultures of that area and time period. Very little history, but a lot of info.
ly fen chen Profile
ly fen chen answered

Normally speaking, it depends on our effect, capacity and destiny. If we are motivating, optimism and courageous in life, then our living maybe better, but the main is healthy, it's very important, because it worth being than being rich, on the other hand, the rich people might be not happy and healthy as well. So life is short, then being happy, healthy is the main way.

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