
I am turning 14 and I weigh 119.4 lbs, a height of 5.4 ft and I eat a lot and do a lot of sports. Am I fat?


3 Answers

Josh Edwards Profile
Josh Edwards answered

Not at all! In fact you are in the ideal BMI range. (Body Mass Index) The reason why you eat a lot is because of the sport activities you do. It's that your body must keep up with the demand for more food to fuel your body when you are doing your activites.

Ignacio Sports Profile
Ignacio Sports , ignaciosports, answered

No you are not fat.As you are a sports person, due to lots of workout you feel hungry.Also drink lots of water with balanced diet daily.

Nabil Al-Baidhani Profile

You BMI (Body Mass Index is 20.5 which is normal in regards your height. So no, You are NOT fat

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