I have nothing that requires improvement.......
Nope and in my case, it's not a medical necessity either. That's the only way I'd consider it even though I know I'm going to be one ugly m/f when I get up in age.
No. I'm just going to grow old naturally.
It's too late for me. It would take too many procedures to get rid of my fugliness.
If I had a mastectomy, then yes I would.
Cosmetic or repair purposes?
Plastic surgery: the process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body, especially by the transfer of tissue, either in the treatment of injury or for cosmetic reasons.
By the time I was in my early twenties, my nasal septum was curved instead of straight. That affected my breathing.
I had a "submucous resection" to straighten it out and it helped considerably.
I wouldn't voluntarily undergo surgery of any kind without a really good reason.
Only medically necessary.
I used to think I wanted a smaller nose, but no, I'm content with my appearance and won't be surgically altering it.
No I'm actually scared to have surgery.
Only for reconstructive surgery, never for cosmetical improvement.
Yes. The likelihood of me having breast cancer is high. So high I was offered to have a double masectomy as a preventaive measure. I opted to wait until I see if I will need actually need it. (I am rethinking that as I am learning more information.) So reconstructive surgery is definitely an option.
"Ever" is a long time.
Yes, there are circumstances I would definitely consider plastic surgery. Generally in terms of a really bad accident.
Nope! I refuse to buy plastic that I cannot recycle.
When I was in my 20s and i was student i often used to think about plastic surgery of my face and eyelids.