Well....I've been a nurse for 21 years, guess I'm qualified to answer! Here's my take....nursing is an ever changing career field, you have to be willing to change with it! I enjoy being a nurse and helping people....makes me feel good. Nursing can be a thankless, very difficult job, but if done correctly and to the best of your ability, it's good for the "soul" so to speak. Healthcare is not a bad career to be in, lots of opportunities to advance should you choose to....it's by no means easy, like I said previously, often thankless, stressful, and sometimes sick people are just mean! But.....that one patient, who looks at you during the worst part of the day, smiles and says....you're pretty, thank you for taking my pain away and helping me.....makes it all worthwhile. Good luck to you! Nurses rock!
Been upgrading courses to become a nurse, is it worth it to go to school for four years? Do you like being a nurse? (This is a question for nurses obviously haha)
I'm not a nurse but I have a few in my family. In my area, nurses are required to have a 4 year degree in nursing and most hospitals require a masters degree. My sister in-law was about 50 years old when her hospital decided to require a masters degree for all nurses if they wanted to keep their jobs. It sure didn't make her more proficient in the job that she had done for 30 years but it gave the hospital bragging rights.