I am so sorry you're sick :(
Did you know there's a pneumonia vaccine? But I think it only prevents a certain type of pneumonia, but I got the vaccine anyway, just in case, at the last doctor's visit.
I moved from my last house because the crazy squirrels took over the neighborhood and had tons of babies in my attic (I told you my squirrel story before) , but early this morning when I took my Italian Greyhound dog out in the backyard for a potty break, all of the sudden the birds started chirping and communicating very loudly, and then I got swooped by birds and one actually hit me hard on the shoulder.
That means their eggs have recently hatched again and they are in protective mode, but I do not like birds for this very reason...
But still, I would rather be swooped by birds than have pneumonia.
When I have had pneumonia and had that weird taste from the meds, I would brush my teeth a lot and it helped a little bit.
Make sure you watch for any rashes or other signs of being allergic to the medicine, and don't drink or eat ANYTHING with lactose- like yogurt, milk, or ice cream- because it sticks to your saliva and makes it too thick and will cause coughing fits.
Feel better soon and rest!