It seemed the first four months of both mine, I had to come home from work teaching school and go right to bed until the next morning ..I was so tired ---so taking the prescribed vitamins is very important.
Eat right. Simple meals are just as nutritious as complicated ones. Use the crockpot or make sandwiches and soups. Get your protein daily and drink plenty of water.
Eat several small meals and snacks a day.
Everything you put into your body is something the baby gets too. No liquor or cigarettes allowed.
Wear comfortable clothing. Don't wear anything too right around your waist-keep clothing loose and comfortable and wear sturdy but comfortable shoes . Don't wear heels or it will kill your back.
Make sure family does their part of the chores.
Exercise- after the first four months when morning sickness left, I walked a mile or two a day. It really helps to exercise within reason.
Get plenty of sleep. Have a good mattress to sleep on. Consult with your doctor if you have a question about anything.