A lot of deaths take place in infants due to lack of awareness amongst mothers about health and hygiene. What can be done to educate them?


3 Answers

Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

A lot of deaths?  Where is this happening a lot?

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

Hospitals often provide resources to new mothers about where to go to find the information they will need if they help. Clinics and Health Care offices in pretty much any community (in North America) will provide free information.  Then of course .. There is the internet, which some people may find some very good information (but then again, they may also find some not so good information). Campaigns are offered to the public on a regular basis.

I don't know how it can be extended to remote places in the world that don't have these types of facilities in places, where they don't have the means.  Other than campaign driven organiziations that provide necessities to locations that otherwise are disconnected with the rest of the world...They are most definitely a lot more challenging and depend on tradition and their own community standards.

Shakina Sk Profile
Shakina Sk answered

Many companies like Dettol have taken up a campaign on heath and hygiene that educate mothers about the importance of hygiene to protect their kids from deadly diseases.

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