I've been extremely sleepy. Low energy. Can barely do anything productive. Is loneliness causing it? If so, how to overcome?


3 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I agree with Tiger when it comes to sitting behind a game all day. The fresh air really does help. Even if it is just a walk. Also I think loneliness can be a cause of sleepiness and low energy but due to the depression that comes with loneliness for some people.

music  lover Profile
music lover answered

If you are sleepy and low energy then first sleep and if you still feel sleepy and lonely then play game outside or hangout with friends

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

From the answers here I gather you are an avid gamer. I am as well my friend. I was feeling sleepy with low engery too. Like the others have suggested, go outside and walk or run. My wife and I found a nearby trail that is three miles round trip. As soon as we made of a habit of walking that trail everyday, I found I had much much more energy! Now, instead of an 11 o'clock bedtime, I'm up till 12:30 to 1 every night, lol.

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