Why do things and people seem more annoying and/or stupid when you're on your period?


6 Answers

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

As a man, I notice rather that many women seem more annoying and/or stupid when they're on their period.

I'd be more interested on knowing why that happens---(lol).

Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

Maybe it because your uterus is twisting and wringing out like a sponge.

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

A woman's menstrual cycle is often linked with mood swings. This is because the monthly fluctuations in hormone levels can impact the levels of serotonin in the brain, and the resulting changes influence a woman's emotional stability.

Things that don't normally bother you can bother you while your having your menstrual cycle. If the mood swings seem really out of control, you might schedule a visit with your OB/GYN for assistance.

Or just eat a lot of chocolate. That usually helped me. Or I drank wine until I no longer cared. **just kidding**

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

Not having had a period might I try and guess? Perhaps your tolerance for "People in general" might run a little thin?

While this might seem either likely or unlikely, you should know that has you get older (at least for me) this same "Thick skin" of tolerance can wear thin just due to cynicism sneaking in.

Levels of chemicals that modulate your moods are effective during your period . . . So it should not be a surprise.

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