I think the things we obsess about changes as we get older. I was thinking about this recently. For instance 20 years ago I worried about if my make up was gonna get smeared from the pool or if my hair was gonna get wet from the ocean or do I look ok outfit wise standing next to my husband if some female looks at him. I hardly fretted about (phantom) dangers because I was hoping my 4 year old was just having fun. Now i catch myself obsessing about every single scenario of danger that COULD be lurking around every corner when it comes to my kids... And yet I don't give a second thought to if I was able to get a brush through my hair as I'm slathering sunscreen all over my family telling them about sunburns and the dangers of skin cancer. I could care less who is looking at me as I am trodding through the beach shore, flab flapping everywhere, stretching my arm like some rubber woman grabbing my son who swears he cant hear me over the ocean waves say slow down and let me catch up! Lol! 😄😅 I fret less about what others think of me the older i get... But the thoughts that go through my head now?..... They could set the scene for a wonderful fiction book or two! 😅😅😅😅
I think that this occurs when you become older. My cousin is
getting obsessed about several
things nowadays. I went
to her place last Saturday after a long time, and I noticed this. For
example, she is very concerned about her kitchen being dirty, unlike before when
she never used to worry about cleaning up.