I still get anxiety and it scares me what should I do to relax myself?


3 Answers

Dances With  Wolves Profile

Hello Megan,

The only medication combination that helped me with Anxiety was Depakote, Seroquel, Klonopin .. Seroquel alone has helped me I had horrible Anxiety to the point I couldn't swallow right...My recommendation is just try a low dose of Seroquel and work your way up to go on a higher dose. 

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Each person is different. What causes your anxiety and how to treat will be different than another person's experience. The best thing you can do 8s get professional help.  Here is a hotline that may help when you are feeling overwhelmed.

Kidddas WG Profile
Kidddas WG answered

see a therapist or get counseling about this

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