
I Was Born With 3 Fingers Is There Any One Out There Like Me?


14 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, My brother has 3 fingers on his one hand and is proud of it. I also dated a girl when I was 14 and was shocked to find out that she also had 3 fingers on one hand. Both of them perfectly formed and almost natural looking in the exact same fashion.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Hi mate my SON has a 3 fingers in the left hand and 5 on the right i would like to hear from you.
taylar bain
taylar bain commented
I've always wanted to find more people with similar things like mine. Three fingers on each hand and my left arm goes down a little past my rib cage, also my right is bent and stuck that way.
Jordi Beijen
Jordi Beijen commented
hey my name is Jordi .
I'm from the Netherlands.
I was born with 3 fingers on my right hand.
I used to get picked on when i was younger.
I'm 20 now and now i know it doest mater if you mis some fingers or look a bit different.
Aslong as you live your life with confidence.
people will accept you the way you are.
I even had a girlfriend for 4 years.
I even make jokes with my right hand just for the heck of it.
So don't be bumped people will accept it so don't hide it ;)
you're special ^.^

greetz from me
jordi ;)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I was born with 5 fingers on my right hand and 1 on my left with the bones of 3 with the opps I had I now have 3 and I am proud of it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sorry for intruding..... If your name is Gerry and you had beautiful red hair as a child and went to Ames Elementary in St.Paul,MN. In the mid-seventies-My name is Tara and I'm very, truly ,deeply sorry for making fun of your three fingered hand in the library in front of other classmates. I was greatly lacking character on many levels that day in Ms. Neilsen's 2nd grade class and I should of been set straight but , instead, I got away with my cruelty and it has haunted me ever since that day. I don't remember your last name and you did not go to school at Ames for long.  Every now and then I try to find you through the web.  I hope you are happy and well.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Look you arnt any dif'rent than other ppl I are a hum man!!! It don't mater if you have 3 fingerz you still have a heart and god made you like that for a reason so nomatter what anyone saz you are normal because god <3 you!!!!!! God bless you!!! :)
Jessica Nadeau Profile
Jessica Nadeau answered
I was born with 3 thumbs. 2 on my right hand. So, yes.
taylar bain Profile
taylar bain answered

itd be great to get in contact with anybody else with disabilities.

I have Three fingers on each hand and my left arm goes down a little past my rib cage, also my right is bent and stuck that way. ._.

Jordi Beijen Profile
Jordi Beijen answered

hey my name is Jordi .
I'm from the Netherlands.
I was born with 3 fingers on my right hand.
I used to get picked on when i was younger.
I'm 20 now and now i know it doest mater if you mis some fingers or look a bit different.
Aslong as you live your life with confidence.
people will accept you the way you are.
I even had a girlfriend for 4 years.
I even make jokes with my right hand just for the heck of it.
So don't be bumped people will accept it so don't hide it ;)
you're special ^.^

greetz from me and good luck :D
jordi ;)

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have only three fingers on my left hand, perfectly formed, but the other has five.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I was born with 3 fingers on each hand and thumbs
:/ good to know I'm not the only one
heather frost Profile
heather frost answered
My daughter has three fingers on her left hand and fully formed right. For those of you with three fingers, has it had a big impact on how others treat you or receive you? Our daughter is only 3 months old, I am concerned for her.
thanked the writer.
Jordi Beijen
Jordi Beijen commented
i was born with 3 fingers on my right hand and 5 on my left.
i used to get picked on for my hand.
so if that happens support her.
treat her like a normal child.
my little brother has the same and my mom keeps telling him that he is special.
don't say that.
he is just a normal boy.
because of my mom saying he is special he is becomming a little brat.
he thinks he is more special than the other kids.
my mom used to tell me it is my little magic hand.
then i starded to cry saying i wanna make my other 2 fingers apair haha.
just tread her like a normal child she will come out fine.
and if she gets picked on support her

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