You are allowed to take some medication on the plane with you as long as it is in a resealable bag and has all the proper information on the bottle. You may also need a letter from your doctor with certain medications. But other than that there shouldn't be a problem. Ohh, and when you are going through security, make sure you take out the resealable bag, as it has to be scanned seperately from your hand luggage. Hope this helps you out, I know it it helped me tons :) x!!
We are going on holiday soon and need to take an inhaler on plane for my daughter the airline have asked us to take a letter from doctor, just wondering does anyone know what sort off thing has to be written in it as doctor is unsure what to put.
I have been on several flights since 9/11 and I always take my advil and inhaler in my purse. Most of the time when I travel Iam with my grandma and she always takes all of her medications on board with her as well. Hope this helps!!!
Yes you can. I always put the items in ziploc bags and have found that security does not give me any problems when I do so.