How Do You Get Rid Of Heat Bumps? And Why Do You Get Them?


14 Answers

Liam Sheasby Profile
Liam Sheasby answered
The most effective way to get rid of heat bumps is to stroke the skin with a cold wet towel. As soon as you have done this you should have a hot bath and then relax, avoid using too many blankets when you go to bed.

Other ways to get rid of heat bumps include using a simple ice pack, made with a few ice cubes in a plastic bag with a cloth tied around it. Cooling off in a cool shower can also be effective, although try to make sure that you dry naturally as the use of a towel can irritate the skin further. Applying baking soda to the bumps absorbs the excess water on your skin that turns into heat bumps. Aloe Vera can also be used to relieve the swelling of irritated skin. The natural Aloe Vera is the most effective as commercial lotions contain chemicals that can block your pores and lead to rashes and further heat bumps.

There are a number of reasons that people get heat bumps. Tight clothing when performing any physical activity causes rubbing and can create heat bumps and rashes. This is because the clothes hold in the moisture, and looser clothes will allow the sweat to evaporate quicker and diminish the amount of heat bumps and rashes. Cells on the surface of the skin are damaged and the sweat builds up in the affected area.

The heat bumps themselves are a form of dermatitis: Photo allergic dermatitis. This condition can be genetic and Native American people are affected more than any other. Limiting the exposure to the sun at the beginning of the summer, or trying to stay out of the sun altogether should help to reduce the heat bumps. In severe cases the heat bumps can affect the body's heat regulation mechanism and cause fevers and exhaustion.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have heat rash all over, I was told baby powder will do the trick, but benadryl also makes them go away, stay away from the sun and humid areas. Take cool showers or soak in a tub of cool water. Try to avoid scratching as much as possible if you have an itch lay a cool wet rag on top of it. Drink cold water, lots and lots of cold water.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you put an ice cube on it /them it should stop the itching, also try taking cool showers/baths and keep yourself cool. Drink lots of water x
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One summer I woke up and I had a lot of small heat bumps and I didn't know what to do. So I had did research and I had tried running cold water in the sink and also putting cold ice cubes to make the water colder. Then I would put my face in the water like three times everyday because it was very hot and now I don't have anymore heat bumps
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You get rid  of  them  by  drinking  lots  f  water  and  you can also  get  a  bowl of  cold water  and  stick your  face in it  and  than Walla  no more  heat bump!well  you have  2  keep  doing  it  a  little
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Try to keep cool and don't take hot showers. Try a warm shower a bit on the cold side.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

If you take an ice pack and lay it on your forehead they will reduce
and also if you rub baking powder on it then It will go away.

anonymous anonymous Profile

soo I have had heat bumps since i was born, but i found that a great recipe for getting rid of them is... YOGURT!!! Spread the yogurt on the area where you have heat bumps everyday until they go away. The lactic acid exfoliates the pores to make the heat bumps less likely to spread.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same problem and I can't get rid of them. Their so itchy and they keep spreading where ever I scratch! Someone please help me!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All you have 2 do have wash your face daily and drink lots of water.also use aveeno.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know why but my face have about 100 or 50 little bumps on my face and I try and try but they just stay I had them for about...2 YEARS PLEASE HELP
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I get red spots on my arms when I'm outside in the sun, they d=clear up a little over night and as soon as I take a shower with hot water they flare back up

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