clair Johnson
clair Johnson voted up Anonymous' answer
Well.. Feeling pregnant is considered as one of the pregnancy symptoms, howbeit, women who are eager to be mums have pseudo feelings of being pregnant. Wait for a few days for other symptom(s) to show up. If you do/don't get any, I would suggest you to still take a pregnancy test to know whats happening. … Read more
clair Johnson
clair Johnson answered Jasmine Brewington's question
I had a miscarriage about a month and a half ago. I am now having the symptoms of someone four weeks pregnant. That would mean I got pregnant right away after I miscarried. I am nervous and scared. Wheather I am pregnant again or it's all in my head, or leftovers from the miscarriage, I … Read more
clair Johnson
clair Johnson voted up Anonymous' answer
Definately!!!!! After mi scarring a baby you can get pregnant again straight away after having unprotected sex. Ive lost a baby 3 months ago. Doctor said wait to you get a normal period and try again on the next month, providing that its ok with the doctor if you have had any problems. Good luck … Read more
clair Johnson
clair Johnson voted up ray of light's answer
You can get pregnant when your normal menstrual cycle begins and enters the ovulation stage. That stage starts after 14 days if you have a 28 day cycle.But it usually takes around 4 to 6 week to get pregnant if the miscarriage occurred during the early stages of your pregnancy. So there is very little … Read more
clair Johnson
clair Johnson voted up Anonymous' answer
I had my 12 week scan on the 7th of jan 2010 and they told me the pregnancy was over, I had had some light spotting for 2 days so wasn't completely shocked, I was shocked when they said it ended when I was only about4-5 weeks pregnant, because I had been having morning sickness … Read more