Artemis Fowl
Artemis Fowl answered Aimee Lou's question

American/European traditional name derived from the Latin word amâta, meaning "Beloved." This name usually represents a bubbly blond beautiful beauty full of passion, ambition and love.

Please keep in mind that not all people with this name have to be represented in the way described above in the second sentence!

Hoped this helped!

Artemis Fowl
Artemis Fowl answered Irene Chacon's question

Well in general brown eyes are the dominant trait but blue eyes are actually a mutation. One of the factors you have to account for is what will be the father's eye color? Also if having blue eyes is common in his family blood line or not.

Hoped this helped!

Artemis Fowl
Artemis Fowl answered Anonymous' question

Another such way you could appear to have a high fever is to change the temperature in your mouth. When you take your temperature, you stick the thermometer under your tongue. This is how the thermometer takes your temperature. To tamper with this reading you can eat or drink anything that is warmer than room … Read more