Ricky Steadman
Ricky Steadman answered Storm Le Cras' question

Put all your concentration into listening to the first sentance. Let your mind wander but try to focus back on the converstaion whenever possible. Use eye contact on and off, but don't death stare them.

You will make mistakes, just apologize and keep trying. Like anything you need to build up the habit of being a … Read more
Ricky Steadman
Ricky Steadman answered

Clarification: Is this a tablet of medicine? An ipad or other computer type tablet?

One, you throw away, the other you download apps and play games on. Oh and get evernote for productivity!

Ricky Steadman
Ricky Steadman answered Katelynn Roe's question

You fail because you lack focus and your self image is poor. You berate yourself for your current appearance. Lift your head up. Believe you can change.

1st, you have to make clear the vision you have for your body. It sounds like you've said what you want to be at weight wise. Now right that … Read more

Ricky Steadman
Ricky Steadman answered Anonymous' question

If you're talking about why they meeeeeeeeaaaaaw all day long, it could be a mating-call type of noise if they havn't been spayed/neutered. If they have, many cats will still do this because they are just lonely or want attention or maybe they have a stomach ache or something. 

My cat does it before she throws … Read more